Showing posts with label Analysis - College hockey - Redwing77.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Analysis - College hockey - Redwing77.. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

RW77's Late Frozen Four Wrap Up

Whoooo, what a week for me.

This weekend saw me in Chicago with some buddies so I wasn't so quick on the draw with the Frozen Debacle at the Hockey Are... I mean Ford Field.

But first...

An Apology to Boston College

Yeah, I'm sorry guys. I didn't see it happening. Muse looked pathetic vs. Yale and I let one game get to me. From a bar on State and Rush (Shenanigans if you're interested) I watched the Eagles skate around the Badgers as if they were flies facing off against a hippo.

I found it interesting that BC took such easy care of Miami. I thought they'd be the easy outs in this round. But the Miami goaltender took a turn at pulling a Christobal Huet imitation.

Slight Vindication

Ok, I've maintained all year long that the NUMBER ONE SUPER WEAKNESS of the Badgers was between the pipes. BINGO!!! I win! Gudmanson looked L-O-S-T. He sucked. Flat out. Yeah, the D abandoned him but in these types of contests, goaltending makes or breaks it. And face it, Muse came to play. Gudmanson got lost on the way to Ford Field. I was STUNNED that Gudmanson stayed in the game. I would have pulled him after the 3rd goal.

Thank you so much, Ford Field

Thanks a bunch, Ford Field! You helped provide ample evidence to never return the Frozen Four to a NON HOCKEY ARENA!

Ok, there were the ticket issues and, yes, I've heard that the fan experience at Ford Field was ok, if not good overall. However, UW's Michael Davies and especially Derek Stepan can attest to the number one most important aspect of a championship game: FREAKING ICE.

In fact, I'd argue that the ICE is the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF HOCKEY. Ever try to play ICE hockey on water? How about slush? How about several large slabs of ice stuck together with a thin layer of ice laid above it?

Well, they know now. The ice SUCKED. I talked to my buds at the bar and they looked at the ice and said, "Hey, is there supposed to be large cracks running down it?" I told them that I bet it was merely the lines of the football field coming through the ice.

Then Derek Stepan got injured. You see... when I saw he hit the boards, I SWORE I'd find a BC Eagle near him. NOPE. His edge hit one of those cracks and he flew, back of the head first, into the boards. He had to be helped off the ice. Yeah, losing edges happen but really... EVERYONE said the ice was bad. Coaches, officials, players, EVERYONE! So who's to say that they weren't cracks?

If Mike Eaves doesn't raise hell about the ice, he should be fired. No, I don't think it had any effect on the outcome, but hey, further proof that the NCAA only cares about $$$.

There is NO WAY a championship event AT ANY LEVEL OF HOCKEY should be held ANYWHERE OTHER THAN A HOCKEY ARENA. Yeah, you can have your crappy outdoor games and I'm not at all unopposed to a crappy game at Ford Field... provided it is either EXHIBITION or REGULAR SEASON. Playoffs? Nope. Tournement? Nope. Frozen Four? HELL NO.

The NCAA should be embarrassed but... they're probably just sitting in some stuffy board room with their Excel Spreadsheet in front of them laughing at the money.

BallHype: hype it up!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Redwing77's Frozen Four Breakdown and Prediction (HA!)

Ok, I posted something similar on, but I'm going to reiterate it here. I'm going to break down the four remaining teams and give my predictions for each.

University of Wisconsin Badgers

This team is the best overall team coming into Detroit. They have solid defense and an offense that can skate with the best of them. They're lead by Hobey Hat Trick-er Blake Geoffrion. They also have a defensive genius in the coaching ranks in Mike Eaves. Yes, I say genius despite the fact that for years his style of hockey was "put em to sleep then score... THEY'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT HIT'EM!" They face RIT (a team I'll break down next) and will skate easier than the other predicted winner into the National Championship game.

Rochester Institute of Technology Tigers

Well, as Brad Schlossman beat me to it, I'll credit him with it. RIT is DEFINITELY this year's Bemidji State University. They've had a tough road and brought the show to Detroit. I must say that I'm impressed with them. They are the most dangerous team in the Frozen Four. WHY? Not because they've got firepower up front. No, their D and goaltending isn't anywhere near that of Miami or UW's. Because THEY HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS ON THEM. They can go out on the ice and just play and have fun. Of course they're going to try to win. A brainless retard would argue otherwise. But they have not weight of tradition in DI excellence like BC and UW. They have no weight of "this year for sure" like Miami. They've proved that they can compete. They proved they're relevant for a weaker conference team. I thought this would be Air Force, but that's not turned out. They can go out against Wisconsin and get destroyed 115-0 and it won't matter. They've done nearly as much as anyone dreamed. If they win it watch for a lot of crowing from the AHA fanbase of roughly....100 people East of Colorado Springs.

Miami University of Ohio

They come into Detroit having the best goaltender in the Frozen Four...and the second best goaltender in the Frozen Four. They are just as cohesive a team as Wisconsin and have a pretty darn good defense to match. The problem is, they give up a TON of quality scoring chances. This is the team that let a slumping UND team score 5 on them. Michigan had chance after chance after chance after chance in their regional final. Knapp bailed them out once... I don't think he can bail them out a second time. That being said, this is 1 or 1a in terms of the strength of the Frozen Four field as a whole (Wisconsin the other 1). Oh, did I mention that they're coached by the best coach in the CCHA? Or maybe one of the top 5 coaches in DI hockey in Enrico Blasi? OH! And let's not forget they're on a mission. This is a driven team. VERY dangerous.

Boston College

They get the award for "Can you Believe it, mom? I'm here!" as they played what was probably the worst regional final in the last 10 years against YALE and STILL won. Muse looked like an incredible sieve. I still can't believe BC is a 1 seed. Discounting the scores, they had the easiest path thanks to UND's loss, to the Frozen Four. They're main advantage? The media. Their biggest disadvantage? If the media could've chosen, their matchup with Miami would have been for the NC.

The predictions

If I understand it right, the semis feature RIT vs. UW and BC vs. Miami.

I can't see RIT winning. I think the RIT vs UW game will be a better game overall. UW wins 4-2.

I can't see BC sticking around for more than 30 minutes. Miami wins 6-2.

The final then puts Miami vs. UW. A lot of Red and White on the ice. I actually think this would be a great matchup. Defense is great. Offense pretty darn good too. However, I have to say Miami would be favored in net. This will be a game of conversion on mistakes and special teams.

UW ekes it out 3-2.

There ya go folks.

BallHype: hype it up!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Redwing 77: A Situation McLeod would never know (nor for that matter, would Shepherd)

I just found this article and I thought I would share it. Nathan Fournier of the World of Junior Hockey Blog posted this article of the QMJHL's recent upholding of Patrice Cormier's suspension. Apparently this is a very legal-style process with examinations, cross examinations, and so on. I wonder if the QMJHL Commissioner, as the judge in this apparent courtroom drama, wore a black robe?

Anyways, the crux of the article is thus: Patrice Cormier committed an illegal act that was of the most severe and heinous order. Upon review of the facts, there was no reason to doubt or alter the initial discipline board's decision. Of course, Cormier can appeal again to independent arbitration. (I expect him to do that)

So, Patrice Cormier, YOU SIT YOU SIT YOU SIT! (Courtesy: Sioux student section among others)

Here's the direct quote from QMJHL Commissioner Gilles Courteau:

"After hearing the testimonies, examining the evidence and meticulously analyzing the facts, I believe that Patrice Cormier’s gesture was very violent and susceptible of inflicting severe damage to the victim. The decision rendered by the Disciplinary Prefect follows the principals outlined by the League’s Board of Governors in the fall of 2008 regarding the elimination of gratuitous violence. Furthermore, the decision is consistent with the need to establish new and more severe disciplinary standards to dissuade players from taking these actions."

"Consequently, I declare that the Disciplinary Prefect’s decision to suspend Patrice Cormier is justified, reasonable and consistent with the League’s new policy."

NOW: To tie this into WCHA Hockey: Could you imagine McLeod saying that he'd like to impose some sort of stance such as the one the Q's Board of Governors took in 2008?

I can.

Do you think McLeod has the cohones to ENFORCE it like the Q's Discipline Board and now the Commissioner did?


It would mean suspending a player for more than 2 games. It would also mean forming some sort of commission to enable the player's voice to be heard as well as the coach and AD of both schools. To be fair, that would probably benefit Gwozdecky. Then again.... I don't believe he ever has to worry about suspensions anyways.

To be honest, I don't think a discipline board is necessary in the WCHA. As aggravating as cheap hits are, the WCHA is lucky enough to not have them as too often an occurrence. But Virg Foss is right. The WCHA, and perhaps even the NCAA, doesn't have the safety of the players in mind.

I don't know what the answer is. I'm reluctant to allow fighting in NCAA hockey as I don't believe that fighting will always occur at the "right" times. That's a growing problem even in leagues that allow fighting. But at the same time, the officials, who have to step up if fighting isn't allowed, aren't stepping up.

Virg Foss (article here) said that the officials got reprimanded the last time UND was involved in a fight because they were allowed to fight. So, they stepped in on Lamoreaux and Marvin before it could have been settled. Well... now what?

It's now coming to the point that there SHOULD be a push by member schools to force the WCHA to take a hard stance on this topic: Either push the NCAA to allow fighting and structure the rules about fighting accordingly OR officials and the league disciplinary stance must be stepped up to protect the players at all costs. It seems to me, the only realistic and consistent way to do that is to take the judgment out of the hands of the officials. That means crackdown. It destroys the integrity of the game by forcing the hands of those officiating, sure, but when the officials cannot be trusted to make the right decisions for a variety of reasons (already covered) over time (aka a trend), it becomes a necessity (the Bina rule wasn't a new invention, remember).

I just hope something happens before someone gets another season ending injury of the cheap shot variety.
BallHype: hype it up!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Season Award Winner Given Out (Redwing77)

I know what you are thinking. Wait... Shouldn't awards be given out AFTER the season? Well, this one's in the bag. Much like Sidney Crosby winning NHL Network's Most Orgasmic Player award (given to the player that NHL Network Analysts soil their pants with glee over the most in a given season), this one is in the bag.

The Men's Freestyle Diving Competition - Frozen Water Bracket Award, known as the Robbie Earl Award for Excellence, goes out to SCSU's own Garrett Roe. We couldn't reach him or any SCSU officials for comment, but we dramatized what the interview would be like. [DISCLAIMER: The interview you are about to read IS A HOAX. It did not occur, it never was meant to occur. Like the Award, any semblence to an actual quote by anyone cited in this article is purely coincidental]

GW: So, Garrett, what's it like to be the first recipient of the Robbie Earl Award?

GR: Aw man, it's just amazing. WOOP!

GW: Sorry about that. Are you alright? You fell off the chair. I'd best close the door. It is a bit drafty in here.

GR: I'm alright, thanks. Winning this award is like a dream come true. I remember seeing Robbie Earl when he played for Wisconsin. He really skated hard and knew how to make the opposing players think they killed him at the slightest touch.

GW: Don't you think that this sort of thing is well.... unethical? Perhaps even cheap?

GR: Hey, if it was, wouldn't my penalty minutes increase whenever I do it?

GW: Good point. I'll have to have my researchers look into the last time a Diving penalty was called independently from an off-setting penalty.

GR: Wait a minute... Diving is illegal?

GW: I'll have to look into that too. I thought I saw an NCAA Crackdown about that a year or two back... Well, according to Greg Shepherd, those aren't necessary. Diving, like Obstruction, known to us as "clutch and grab hockey," is now a thing of the past. Do you ever see clutch and grab?

GR: Grabbing me? No one has ever prevented me from hitting the ice since I was first learning how to skate! It would prevent me from... uh... well... anyways, I'd like to thank my parents, coaches, SCSU and all the students, and SCSU fans in general for their love and support! I can't imagine what it would be like without them.

GW: Prevent you from what?

GR: This is one of the most cherished awards I've recieved since I won the most valentines in my 4th grade class.

GW: Yeah, well, nice. Well, that's all the time we have today. Thank you so very much for taking time out of your practice to chat with us. We'll look forward to 2012 when you can try out for your country's Olympic Diving team!

GR: Thanks for having me!