Sunday, November 09, 2008

One positive of the OBAMA victory.

Washington Compost picture
The last time the Fighting Sioux won an NCAA titles there was a Democratic president in the White House. In fact when the Sioux won their 6th and 7th NCAA title while William Jefferson Clinton was president of the United States of America.

The Republican party has been less kind to the Fighting Sioux, who went 0-5 with George W. Bush in the White House; 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008


  1. ugh...I hate saying it but I hope he does well, for the sake of the free world. I kinda doubt it though...

  2. I am not a fan of him at all, I would have rather seen Hillary in office then him.

    McCain ran a flawed campaign and could have won this had he ran it the way others had suggested.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. some people are being way too harsh, the guy's not an idiot, he was president of the harvard law review.

    have you guys ever heard him give an interview or debate? he's smart and he's all about compromise, bringing both sides together. he's not a crazy liberal or anything like that. he's not a newb.

    they said clinton was too young and all that and he did a good job, even with a Republican congress that was trying to get him impeached and ruin the guy.
    the best thing about Obama is you watch him give an interview and you think, "wow some politicians are real people!" go search for his charlie rose interview on google video some time.

    what's so bad about Obama?

    to each his own, I guess

  5. I am opposed to OBAMA based on his Marxist views. I am concerned about his lack of regard to the 2nd amendment. I could go on and on why I am opposed to him. This blog isn't about politics.

  6. Oh Obama is one of the most liberal senators in the Senate. His interview with Charlie Gibson was a series of softballs and lacked substance. The media was biased in its coverage towards OBAMA, it wasn't even funny.

  7. hahaha, yeah he's a marxist, that's why the biggest capitalist on Earth, Warren Buffet, endorsed him. And all the other people that endorsed him are Marxist?

    When you say mccain ran a flawed campaign, do you think he didn't lie and go negative enough?

    I hate arguing politics, but if you're gonna believe and repeat everything you hear about somebody, I gotta say something.

  8. alright cgoodz, I'll listen to him stutter in a press conference if you watch these:

  9. I enjoy your hockey coverage, btw.

    It would be interesting to see who was President going back to earlier NCs.

  10. Goon, McCain supported the bailout did he not?

    But besides that, the worst thing IMO is when people think that all their taxes just go into some big kitty for welfare. That's not what it is.

  11. Yep McCain did support the bail out. Some have argued that hurt him with Conservatives big time.

    McCain should have hammered Obama on Wrong Reverend Wright, bringing up Ayers too late in the game might have affected him negatively, these people should have been out there in the Primaries.

    People don't want and probably can't afford to pay anymore taxes. I know my wife and I can't afford anymore. I don't look at paying more in taxes as being patriotic.

  12. McCain probably should have hammered him a little more on Wright.

    I guess I think taxes won't really go up with Obama, not too much anyways. My family makes over that "magical" 250,000 mark and the percentages aren't that big of a deal.

    If you go to it's a non-partisan estimate of your tax changes under Obama's plan. I wuold assume there is a McCain one as well.

  13. I don't know if I believe that I am going to get a tax cut of $2,322.73 They were talking about raising taxes for everyone making 120,000.00 or more according to Bill Richardson and if they went back to the Clinton Rates my taxes are going up 3,000.00 There go my raise for the year.

    I don't believe any of these politicans.

  14. I know Ronald Reagan was the president in 1982, and in 1980 that would have been Jimmy Carter.

    I may have to go back and research it.

  15. Obama's ties to Bill Ayers are so irrelevant. He served on an education board with a guy that did some nonfatal bombings in the 60s. Bill Ayers is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Any politician that deals with education in Chicago has to deal with Bill Ayers. There were Republicans on that board too. So are all those other people secret anti-Americans, or......whats the connection?

    As far as Wright goes, it's just another guilt by association. That's why McCain didn't say ANYTHING about Rev. Wright, he didn't hammer him at all for it. Some 3rd party Republican group ran ads. That's it.

  16. I wasn't going to comment, but after reading the sum of c_goodz comments, I couldn't stop myself. Please excuse my ramblings...

    Obama and Ayers ties are slightly more than that they served together on an education board. Didn't Ayers host a fund raiser at his house for Obama? Didn't Obama blurb Ayers' book "A Kind and Just Parent: Children of Juvenile Court?" It also seems that Obama had CONSIDERABLE help with his two memoirs from Ayers. You don't just blurb someone's book with whom you happen to serve on the same board as. Especially if that same someone in a known terrorist.

    Ayers was a founding member of the Weatherman, it's bombing were not nonfatal.

    The problem with his association to Wright is that he stayed in his church for 20 years. Surely there are other churches in the Chicago area that would have better suited Obama and his family.

    I feel that the problem with Obama associating with Ayers, Wright, Rezko, etc., is that at the very least it shows poor judgment. Obama's resume is so thin, that he can't afford to have "poor judgment" attached to it. Good judgment should be one of the top qualities of the leader of the free world.

    Obama is a great speaker, but only if he's reading from the teleprompter.

    He may not be a crazy liberal, but he's a liberal as they come.

    I hope I'm wrong about Obama, and that he can do well as President, but I definitely have my doubts.
