I came home from walking the dog and my wife was putting this thing on our daughter. Yikes, I said you have to be kidding me? I aks her, what do you want her to look like the great punkin? Actually after looking at the picture I decided that I would share it with the four people that read this blog... It is amazing what ten dollars can buy. I suppose we can use it during the Thanksgiving season.
I found this new blog that had me linked up. Czech hockey on and it was pretty interesting.
I found a couple of interesting points of note.
(1.) Former Gopher Thomas Vanek has been named the Austrian Sportsman of they Year.
Vanek sorgt für eine Premiere
Nicole Hosp und Thomas Vanek sind Österreichs Sportlerin und Sportler des Jahres. Der NHL-Star sorgte damit für eine Premiere: Noch nie in der Geschichte der 1949 eingeführten Ehrung konnte ein Eishockey-Spieler die Wahl für sich entscheiden. Hosp dagegen landete bei der von Sports Media Austria, der Vereinigung der österreichischen Sportjournalisten, durchgeführten Wahl einen Favoritensieg. Den Titel der Mannschaft des Jahres sicherte sich das ÖFB-U20-Team, das ebenfalls für ein Novum sorgte.
(2.) Check out this Hockey Chick apparently according to the article is supposed to be a girl friend of Jaromir Jagr. ---edit---This woman is also a CZECH model not a slut.