Friday, October 09, 2009

Check out this scrum.

I saw this game's highlights on TV tonight and I thought it was worth a look. The the Broad Street Bullies are up to their old tricks again. Check out this scrum at the end of the Flyers and Penguins game. Edit: It was Mike Richards that ran over the Penguins goaltender, now that is a bush league move. I wonder if they league will review this tape.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. That was Mike Richards. Brad Richards is the former Lady Byng winner that plays for Dallas. =)

  2. Sarah, thanks for the correction, I wrote that thing late last night before I went to bed. I think I was half asleep.

  3. No worries. Your post popped up in my news reader and I think I almost spit my Cheerios mid-bite seeing B-Rad's name come up on a blog with"Goon" in the title. Not something you see every day. =P

  4. The Pens are dog shi*. The Flyers are the only team in the state of Pennsylvania. The new arena that the Pens are opening soon will also in fact be called Wachovia West.

  5. You know how you piss off a Pens fan tell them that Ovie is > Cindy Crosby.
