Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tropp and Conboy suspended for the rest of the year.

Rick Comley is definitely a man of his word, the Michigan State has suspended the two players Corey Tropp and Andrew Conboy for the rest of the season for their acts of thuggery during the end of last Saturday’s game against Michigan.
MSU head coach Rick Comley issued season-ending suspensions to two players following an incident Saturday when the MSU hockey team faced off against Michigan at Yost Ice Arena.

Comley suspended sophomore forward Corey Tropp and freshman forward Andrew Conboy after the two attacked U-M’s Steve Kampfer in the final minutes of U-M’s 5-3 win. Conboy tackled Kampfer to the ice from behind, and Tropp slashed Kampfer near the head and neck with his stick after Kampfer went down.

“What happened near the end of the game this weekend is not the way in which we want our hockey program represented,” Comley said in a prepared statement released Monday evening. Comley is scheduled to host his weekly press conference Tuesday afternoon.

“We cannot condone their actions. We felt that we had to send a strong message that this behavior will not be tolerated.”
(Read the whole article here)

Talk about skippys; check out this article that was run in the State News You have to be kidding me?
As expected, there were numerous scrums — 15 players served time in the box for pretty much everything.

With the game all but over, U-M’s Steve Kampfer took a run at MSU sophomore forward Corey Tropp at center ice.
In an attempt to stick up for his teammate, MSU freshman Andrew Conboy went after Kampfer to try and teach him a lesson.

It was in these mere seconds when both Conboy and Tropp completely lost control.

Conboy punched and threw Kampfer to the ice and Tropp came in and struck Kampfer across the head with his stick.

A moment after Tropp committed the violent act, you could see him look down at Kampfer and come to the realization of what had just occurred.


  1. Would Hakstol have apologized or suspended his players?

    (remember cross check from behind on Peltier last year away from the play with about 10 seconds left?)

  2. Yeah he would have. I have never seen a player from UND hack a guy with his stick as he laid on the ice.

    Talk about Gophers doing cheap acts here is Bickel with a butt end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBgs_dVxIX4

  3. I am getting disgusted by all this bullshit in college hockey. Every program is being called classless and every fan base is sticking up for its players when they shouldn't be in these situations. I'll be blogging about this later Goon man.

  4. Allow Fighting, like everyother league, and you would have less of this...

  5. This is the clip I was looking for. Here you are Respect the game; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APDCnIKUgj8

  6. Boy that Peltier was a classy player wasn't he?
