Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gwoz caught cheating.

Developing on going saga. Seems that the George "the Dasher Troll" Gwozdecky cheated by communicating with the DU bench after he was kicked out of the game.
DENVER (Jan. 27) — Denver has suspended head hockey coach George Gwozdecky one game for violating an NCAA rule that does not allow an ejected coach to communicate with or contact team personnel in any manner until a game is completed.

The university made the announcement Tuesday evening.

Gwozdecky was ejected at the 9:30 mark of the second period during Denver’s 2-2 overtime tie at North Dakota on Jan. 24. Gwozdecky watched the second period on a television in the media room, but communicated via headset to coaches on the bench during the third period and overtime from the press box.

Also just in. Alanna Rizzo from Rockey Mountain FSN wasn't impressed with the UND fans. Now before you point your fingers at the students she wasn't really talking students. Ms Rizzo was talking about the adults that sit behind the players bench. Stay tuned folks this gets better by the minute.
Rizzo’s angst stems from obnoxious and seemingly uncontrollable Fighting Sioux fans particularly adults.

“It was a little too much for too long,” Rizzo said. “It wasn’t the student section as much as the older crowd, right on top of the DU bench, and I stood in the hallway going into their locker room.

“There were a lot of derogatory comments . . . from men and women, young and old, asking me about Coach Gwozdecky’s behavior, calling him a ‘Little Man,’ asking me ‘Why are you really here?’ and ‘I vote for last night’s outfit.’ It’s one thing to cheer for your own team, I’m all for that, but to constantly berate college athletes that are not being paid to play a sport for the constant length of the game was a little much.”
“It’s definitely a home-ice advantage, it’s an amazing building, they are very passionate about Sioux hockey, but enough is enough,” she said. “Maybe I’m a little sensitive, but I think the (DU) players responded like champions. It was extremely emotional and there was a lot on the line with the WCHA. I thought Denver played with great professionalism despite all the stuff that was being said to them.”


  1. I think this lady needs to get over herself. Who does she think she is? Does she not understand she was heading into a passionate College hockey town that have some rowdy fans and pack The Ralph every weekend? I guess she hasn't been to any other WCHA teams rinks, just head to Minnesota, Wisconsin, or St. Cloud it's 5X worst then the Ralph. I think she looks foolish with her comments about North Dakota. Get a new career and develop some thicker skin, enough said, get over yourself Hollywood!

  2. I don't know what to make out of all of this? I know I wasn't one of those getting in people's faces. It isn't my style. I used to go to Bruin games in the old Boston Garden this stuff is pretty tame compared to the hub of hockey. I saw a drunk guy punch a Boston cop one time, now there was a beat down. Now that is my definition of out of hand. I have heard the Wisconsin fans can get downright vile so I am not sure what she is huffing and puffing about?

    I was at the rink both nights and the crowd was fired up now doubt about it. Let me just say Lee's little brother didn't endear himself to the UND faithful with his antics. Yep there were some people behind the bench giving it to the DU bench; but isn’t that part of hockey?

    I can't help it that some team’s arenas aren't as hostile; it's like a 7th man on the ice for the Sioux. This is the loudest I have seen the REA since the place opened except for the WJC when Russian and Canada played.

  3. Does this mean DU will have to forfeit the game?

  4. He knew it was wrong, I have no doubt about that.

    The timing of him doing this is terrible. This smacks as being really terrible. I'm guessing he thought "this is a big series with the Sioux and we have next to last in the league UAA next week, so getting suspended is worth it".

    For me a one game suspension isn't nearly enough.

  5. the fact that gwoz didn't take a beer to the face or a battery to the head after walking out onto the ice during a game on the road shows how uninformed ms. rizzo is about hockey.

    i'm actually surprised gwoz got off so lucky. if this had happened at the old ralph or one of several college hockey venues across the midwest, it would have certainly turned much uglier (or is it more ugly?).

    anyways, this is a clear case of one person's frustration being expressed in the form of un-warranted disgust. personally, i wish sioux fans would get back to the good old days when a comment like the one ms. rizzo made would have been justified.

  6. tGwoz getting suspended for ONE game for his actions (the walk on ice, and the cheating that was discovered later) on Saturday is a joke. If the league gives Hak two games for flipping the bird, and then tells the league that it is ok with DU's decision to suspend tGwoz for one game is "totally inappropriate. It's lewd, vesivius, salacious, outrageous!"

    A far as Ms Rizzo's comments; Compared to big time DI big time football, and basketball rivalries, what she said happened at the Ralph this weekend was pretty tame. The "cop's" that she referred to, aren't they actually security guards?

  7. dead_rabbit

    UND suspended Hakstol 2-games, the league did nothing.

  8. I'm going to take a guess here and say that Rizzo has been to other arenas and has not had this issue. Quite honestly, as a female going to the opposing arena it's nothing like being a male. Male fans report more of the behaviors that Rizzo was subjected to.

    Personally, I have been to 7 WCHA arenas and have never experienced any horrible behavior from the opposing fans. Grated, I haven't been to the Ralph yet and I realize it's a whole different atmosphere. Given this, I would be a bit taken back if I was treated in the way that Rizzo was too. It's just not common for female fans to be treated that way, thus it would explain why she's so upset.

    I'm just guessing here though that she's been other places and not had that behavior towards her.

    Put yourself in her shoes...if this was your first experience of that sort of behavior, you would be taken back too. Or should I say if you're a woman you would be? There's still something to be said about behaving a certain way around women. Getting in their faces and being horrible just isn't right.

    On the other hand though, I guess if I was in her shoes I wouldn't have written about it in the nature she did. Being a media person, not just a plain old blogger like myself, probably needs more picking and choosing of what and how you write.

    Now...let's just hope that I don't have to do a post equally as bad about the Sioux fans...though I'm not holding my breath:)

  9. Also...no one has made any comments about Grease here?!? Come on...RIZZO? You guys are losing your touch. Someone's gotta have a something....

    "Rizzo, get over it and go find Knickie"....something?!?

    Oh, and Goon lies...he is a vulgar and mean Sioux fan. He's known to get in everyone's face and slap babies!! :) hahahhahahhahaha!

  10. I think it is whinny but seriously she sounds like a female version of a whinny gorg.

  11. It is kinda whiney but you have to see it from a female's view. That is not normal or acceptable behavior to have in general, much less at a woman. Now imagine if you had been to many other arenas and never experienced this and then get whapped with it at UND. You would be upset too.

    Or let's do it this way...how would you like it if you saw fans treating your wife this way?

    I can only imagine what I'm going to have to put up with at UND. It's going to be ugly. I should drink many adult beverages and duct tape my mouth shut (with only a straw opening) so I don't engage!! :) I'm tougher than most girls though.

  12. LGM - Don't forget, Rizzo is also a rat; The Amazing Gonzo's friend.

  13. Amy you have to get over your childish hatred for UND. It's not just Sioux fans, last year I sat infront of some of the dumbest, rudest, clueless, moronic, fowlest, ugh SCSU fans I had ever thought was possible. They had a combined IQ of 6.

    I have been to Minnesota and SCSU games and their fans are just as rude as anyone elses fans. It's not just the UND fans.

  14. My hate for UND is not childish but based on personal experiences. All fan bases have fans that are less than desirable, we all know that. However, to me, UND goes beyond that. It's not just the fans either, I haven't cared for many years for various players or your coach.

    That's my opinion and I'm standing by it!

    For some reason the Sioux fans always take the crudeness to the next level in person and on the internet. You can pretend it's just me or a few others that feel this way but if you're honest you'll know it's not.

    I feel bad for decent people like you, Marty/Garlynn, and Donn to belong to a fan base like that because it's not how you are...but it IS how some of them are...and those "some" seem to make themselves known.

    It's like I feel bad for Heather that her team has the fanbase on uscho that it does...a total misrepresentation of SCSU's fans.

    Also, don't worry...MSU has some cruddy fans of it's own.

  15. Someone should have warned me that making fun of coaches for what they wear is unacceptable, say, maybe three years ago. She's obviously never been to a game with Walt Kyle involved though :D
