Apparently this picture that was over on Puck Daddy yesterday cause quite a stir. Puck Daddy interviewed Mike Commodore on the matter and the picture in question was not after Commie signed the fat contract in the off season with the Columbus Blue Jackets. I wish I had a football pool that pays like that one, LOL.
By Greg Wyshynski --- Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:05 pm EDT
So we grabbed a few minutes of phone time with the former Carolina Hurricanes defenseman to chat about the photo, the fallout and what it feels like to be the first professional athlete to make it rain on himself.
"My mom almost had a heart attack when she saw it on the Columbus Dispatch blog," said Commodore, after a morning practice. "But I called her and explained to her what the scenario was, and she's fine."
So in the immortal words of A Tribe Called Quest and/or Leaders of the New School: What's the scenario?
"That picture is probably from about three weeks after the Super Bowl party last year that I had in Carolina. We had a team pool, and I ended up winning the pool," said Commodore, who said he pocketed $3,000 in winnings. "So that money was from the Super Bowl. I won the money, I had the cash, I went home, I was lying in bed ... I was just clowning around and kind of threw the money up. My buddy took a picture, and that was the end of it."
Well, not exactly the end. While the photo generated mostly good-natured ribbing, some believed it was a picture taken after Commodore had signed a massive five-year free-agent deal worth $18.75 million with the Jackets.
"That's totally not the case. That picture's from before I was traded to the Ottawa Senators," he said.
I guess the moral to the story is be careful what your friends post on their face book, my space or personal blogs, it may come back to haunt your buddy later. I am also glad to know that big Mike has since stopped chewing tobacco.
Astute Puck Daddy readers used CSI-like analysis to break down aspects of the photo, and we wanted Commodore to address some of them. Like, for example, the tin of chewing tobacco found, conveniently, on his nightstand.
"That's a habit that I've since dropped. It was an occasional thing to pass the time."
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