Friday, September 19, 2008

Is the Wild Style of play hurting them in free agency?

Puck Daddy had this nice article on the Wild and their style of play. Puck Daddy brings up some good points about the Wild's style and how their style of play is holding them back in the free agent market. Also he points out how the Wild while offensively challenged have made the playoffs three time since they joined the league in 2000-2001 while being offensively challenged. This could be a testament of the quality of coach Lemaire, while he is probably a hall of fame coach his style of play is getting more and more boring...

I also believe this is a make or break season for the Wild. If they lose Marian Gaborik they are going to be a very average and or mediocre team. I also do sense a feeling of impatience with some Wild fans and I am no difference.

This team can't attract top flight offensive players on the open market, and has had to work its collective ass off to convince Marian Gaborik not to leave; dazzling him with pie charts and bar graphs that show Lemaire hasn't sucked all the creativity out of him.

Here are the facts: The Minnesota Wild have made the postseason three times since joining the NHL with Lemaire as coach in 2000-01. They have one conference finals appearance, and two first-round losses. Since joining the NHL, the Wild have been below the league average in goals scored every season. Even the offense-challenged Devils can't make that claim over the last seven seasons.

Is that record good enough for today's NHL? Is it good enough for Wild fans?

What's clear is that Lemaire will never be fired. He'll have to resign, and it's conceivable that his departure could be a reality after losing his smile last season.

Will the next coach be a defensive disciple of Lemaire hockey, or someone with a fresh approach who could give this franchise an offensive identity?

And will Risebrough's defense of Lemaire's coaching style be forever undermined if his successor has a contradictory philosophy?
(Read the whole story here)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the fact that they have nothing to show of their three appearances in the finals and insist on being stubbornly offensively defficient in a world where goals matter says something about the coach too...
