Showing posts with label hockey... golf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hockey... golf. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tiger Wuss? Hardly...

There was a lot said about Tiger Woods saying that no one watches hockey. Nothing like telling everyone what is on your mind or how you feel about something.

JULIUS MASON: Mr. Woods, Julius Mason here. We're joined by about 75 of your closest friends and I think off the top of their head they have one burning question for you, Detroit or Pittsburgh tonight? In the Stanley Cup finals. (Laughter.)

TIGER WOODS: That's pretty good. I don't really care, let's talk about the Dodgers. (Laughter.)

JULIUS MASON: Politically correct as always and that's what we ?

TIGER WOODS: I don't think anybody really watches hockey any more. (Laughter.)

While I was disappointed with Tiger Woods for making those silly statements about hockey, I do believe Tiger is a world class athlete has earned the right to speak out. For most of us Tiger Woods is a role model and based on that fact I did expect maybe just a little more from him. Come on Tiger the Dodgers suck and are just about as bad as the Kings in my opinion.

Personally I have a lot of respect for Tiger Woods whether he makes these silly comment or not. Face it; there is no denying the fact Tiger is the best golfers to ever lace up a pair of golf shoes, Tiger is the Wayne Greztky of golf. Bum knee or not he is one of the best athletes in the game of golf right now, the game of golf will suffer because of his absence. Few if any other golfers come even close to being as talented or as athletic as Tiger. Yes golfers are athletes. Very few of are probably even worthy of carrying his bag on the course.

Tiger will probably go down as one of the best the game of golf will ever know. In my opinion, no one can match Tiger's metal toughness or talent on the golf course. Not Phil, Sergio Ernie or Jack. That being said it was a mistake for Tiger to disrespect the game of hockey. Maybe we should send the Boggey man over the boards after him. Not!

Of course then ex-Boston Bruin Mike Milbury then responded by calling Tiger a Wuss.

You know what? I'm gonna change the name now. It's gonna be Tiger Wuss. Here's a guy that took about three months to get over a simple arthroscopic surgery. You look at [Pens forward] Ryan Malone. His face exploded with a slap shot last night - he's back out in 10 minutes!

"Keep your yap shut, Tiger, or I'll send a couple of wingers down there - [Pens forward] Gary Roberts - to tidy you up a little bit, meat head."

Now we find out that Tiger Woods was hurt more than he lead on. Tiger Woods announced today that he is done for the rest of the 2008 season.

Woods explained why today when he revealed he will have season-ending surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left knee that he injured 10 months ago.

He also suffered a double stress fracture of his left tibia two weeks before the U.S. Open, ignoring doctors' advice to take six weeks off to let it heal. And he still won the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, going 91 holes over five days on a knee that was getting worse.

"Now, it is clear that the right thing to do is to listen to my doctors, follow through with this surgery and focus my attention on rehabilitating my knee," Woods said on his Web site.