Nothing bugs me more than trying to line-up a putt on the golf course, but missing this sure thing give-me putt, because you were getting hammered by mosquitos. I am sure you can imagine your favorite golf hole(s), that Mosquitos are a problem on. I am thinking of par-three 16th hole at Kings Walk, which has a huge Mosquito breeding lake sitting next to it. At dark, the Mosquitos come out in droves and smoke you. Causing you to do a dance, I call it the Mosquito Macarena.
There's nothing that you can do about it right? looks like Insect Shield could solve that problem for you.
Whether, I am on the golf course, or sitting on the porch
at the hunting shack, or simply walking the dog down by the Red River.
Propelling bugs is a full time job, during the summer months, especially if you
live in the North Country.
I am going to give it a try and see if it works.
Which insects does Insect Shield repel?
Insect Shield® Repellent Apparel has been proven and registered to repel mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, chiggers, and midges (no-see-ums). Insect Shield® Repellent Gear has been proven and registered to repel mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and flies. The EPA requires extensive effectiveness data to prove a product's ability to repel insects. Many species and varieties of these insects have been tested, including those that can carry dangerous diseases.
Here’s something that
I found to be essential as well. Outer wear gets dirty and washing
clothing repeatedly wears out your clothing and fast.
The repellency of Insect Shield apparel is EPA-registered to last through 70 launderings—the expected lifetime of a garment. This is also well beyond the life of most performance finishes commonly used in the technical-apparel industry.