Steve Simmons, Toronto Sun --- The time has come for Gary Bettman to take Colin Campbell aside, hand him a nice going-away cheque, and say thanks.
The time is relatively soon — at the end of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Campbell has been on the job as chief NHL disciplinarian for too long. He has become too erratic, too emotional, too exposed to be of real internal or external value to the league any longer. His explosive interview on TSN Radio this week was both telling and startling: There was a Howard Beale element to it all: Campbell may not be mad as hell — in most cases, I’ve found him to be rather sane, terribly human and always approachable — but he doesn’t seem to be willing to take it anymore.
The job of patrolling the out-of-control state of the NHL borders on the impossible. Campbell has had a long run and mostly a good run as sheriff. It’s time for someone else to find out just how impossible this position happens to be.
Goon's World Extras
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Time for Colin Campbell to step aside.
I couldn't agree more... To be honest with you I don't know a lot of people that like Colin Campbell and I can't imagine him leaving would have a negative affect on the NHL. All I see is a positive.