Monday, March 15, 2010

Alex Kangas Hates Us

Here's the video of Alex Kangas saying that he hates North Dakota, UND, the Ralph Englestad Arena and fans of Sioux hockey.

I'm surprised that the U of M hasn't done any education on what a player should say in an interview and what they shouldn't.


  1. He's just mad because he sucks, it is really too bad because he was pretty decent his rookie year but wow he is awful now.

  2. Um, do you remember Lucia's interviews in reference to the Boe/Schack deal last year? If he can't control his own mouth why on earth would his players?

  3. Haha, do Sioux fans seriously care that a Gopher player says he hates them?

  4. Not at all. He should hate the Sioux, they lit him up like a Christmas tree, AND sent him back to his hole the REST of the year.
    This is one of the best Rivalries in college hockey. It's fun to watch, but it's only a game. I don't hate the rodents, I just LOVE to watch the Fighting Sioux beat them.

  5. Whistler thanks for posting this blog post. Anyone that knows me knows that I can’t stand most field goal kickers or goaltenders; Manny Fernandez was a poster boy of what is wrong with goalies; it’s all of the crap that goes along with them, most of them are flakes… You have to be crazy to step in front of a projectile that is going up to 100+ MPH. When I see Alex Kangas step out on the ice at the Ralph it’s almost like saying the Sioux got this one in the bag, it’s just a matter of how many goals they are going to get past him. Saturday’s game was an enigma.

    Alex Kangas has been God Awful against the Sioux he is 2-5-2 or something like that. The Sioux have given him sun burn on the back of his neck from the red light going on after the Sioux score on him. The Sioux were in his head this weekend and he kind of snapped on Sunday night, that means the Sioux players did their job. If you look at Eids during these games I have never seen him more poised than he was last weekend.

  6. Very few if any goalies can get into the give and take of the game and be successful.

    I think it was in the 1986-87 year and John Blue tripped Tony Hrkac while he was skating by him.

    At that point I was certain the goalie's head wasn't in the game and we'd win.

    We did.
