Sunday, January 17, 2010

So he had it coming?

For the people that haven't seen this article it really sheds light on the Colin Campbell “wheel of justice” and maybe this will get the ball moving to have Colin Campbell removed at the NHL Senior VP and Director of Hockey Operations. Someone is going to get killed out on the ice under Colin Campbell’s leadership. This is unacceptable, since Cal Clutterbuck is the hits leader in the NHL and hit Sergi Gonchar with a hard hit, which may or may not have been legal (in my opinion it was a legal hit) he deserved to be head hunted? That is what I am getting from this comment. Unfortunately, that is the same kind of leadership we have in the WCHA.
Campbell's comments on NHL Live! -- a weekday radio show on XM Radio and NHL Network -- can be dissected like a frog.

"There's got to be a little bit of passion in the game," Campbell said. "Cal Clutterbuck leads the league, or is close to leading the league, in hits. He hit Gonchar very hard into the boards prior to that -- real hard. It could have been boarding. It could have been charging. It wasn't. So Gonchar, who's been hurt before, knocked out before and suffered a concussion -- he's on the receiving end more than he's on the giving end ... -- he went in and it was a five-minute interference penalty and he hit him with his shoulder."

Campbell proves that the NHL isn't serious about getting rid of head shots.
[Star Tribune]
What kind of logic is this Cal Clutterbuck is the NHL hits leader and has a grand total of 20 penalty minutes in 42 games, so it’s not like he is a dirty player, but since he is the hits leader he has to expect being run once in a while? That is what I deduced from Campbell’s ridiculous statement, Cal Clutterbuck had it coming.
Cross Posted @ The Sin Bin
BallHype: hype it up!

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