Wednesday, December 02, 2009

How the mighty have fallen.

Check out this blog post from Goal Gophers. My how the once mighty Gophers have fallen!!! This kind of mentality can’t be sitting well with Gopher fans. It almost looks like Don Lucia is spinning a horrible start to the season as a moral victory. The spin that it's really not as bad as it looks, it could be worse. Personally, as a Sioux fan I think that Lucia is doing a great job in Minnesota but this is almost out of character. This is really the third season of mediocrity. Over on the Gopher faithfull are ready to throw their head coach Don Lucia a former Spencer Penrose award winner under the bus.
* Home record: "We have to play better at home, that's the big thing. You look at on the road, we have played North Dakota, at Wisconsin, Michigan and Michigan State and we are 2-3-1 which is pretty darn good in those games. And we are 3-5 at home that's what has let us down more than anything else. If you even split the Denver and split the UMD series, then all of a sudden you are sitting in decent shape considering with the inuries and some of the things we have had to go through this season."
[Goal Gophers]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I know a lot of Goldy fans that are off the wagon right now. They just kind of make up excuses about how they have no team chemistry or offense and how inconsistent Kangas is in goal. So now they're on the Vikings band wagon instead for a while, until that ends (hopefully with a Super Bowl). Early season surprises are CC and UMD in my opinion. CC was picked to finish 8th and UMD 7th in the league, and they're both in the top 3 right now.

  2. The Gophers suck and need to recruit the right type of players, not always the best ones, but the right ones. They have too many of the same type of guys. And seriously, what is the deal with Kangas? Minnesota sure keeps losing some of their best goalies to other schools.

    John Curry, Jeff Jakaitis, Joe Fallon, Stalock and now maybe Joe Howe just to name a few. Championships start with goaltending, defense and hard work, three things the Gophers do not have or do.

  3. Commissioner Goof:

    I thought you didn't read GPL? That's what you've posted in the past. I thought I taught you not to lie.
