Saturday, December 12, 2009

Derek Boogaard vs Brian McGrattan

Check out the Boogieman's clobbering of Calgary goon Brian McGrattan. Derek made short work of the Calgary player, about a two or three punch fight.

Not only did Boogaard win the Fight against McGrattan but two Wild players scored goals last night that haven't done much this year. That means the Minnesota Wild finally beat the Calgary Flames in overtime and they beat the Flames in the Saddle Dome in Calgary. Also, Waste of a uniform James Sheppard scored the the [game tying goal] add an assist from the Sheriff Shane Hnidy and Martin Havlat. In the overtime period the overpaid and waste of a uniform Martin Havlat got his [third goal of the season]. Yep that's right Havlat is being paid 5 million dollars a year to score 13 points after 25 games. That's unacceptable but maybe he can get it going now.
BallHype: hype it up!

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