Tuesday, November 03, 2009

So who is Lucia referring to?

The first thing I would say is WTF? Check out these condescending comments by Minnesota Gophers coach/prima donna Donny Lucia. I don’t think he needs to wonder why some of the fans in the WCHA don’t like his pompous smart-alecky ass. Lucia also shouldn’t wonder why some fans are not endeared to him.

Seriously, what kind of a coach makes these types of comments. Was it really needed in the article as well? Maybe we should blame the Minnesota beat writer as well. So what fans are you referring to Donny? I haven’t seen the fans jawing at you on the bench like they were George Gwozdecky. Can you imagine if Dave Hakstol or Bob Motzko had said something classless like that? Also, don't flatter yourself Donny the Badger fans hate you and your team as well.
I like going to Wisconsin," Lucia said. "The fans are into it. They have a good band there and you don't have the vile language or anything like that. The fans are just into the game which is the way you like to see it. From that standpoint, it fires us up. We have always had pretty good luck at the Kohl Center over the years."

Last season the Gophers played a series there in late October. The first game was a 2-2 tie, the Gophers won the next night 5-2.

"We have played well there," Lucia said. "It is a good rivalry but again it is not the swearing, the hatred, the viciousness as in some other buildings we have to go in our league."

Wonder which ones he was referring to? I can guess one pretty easily.
[Goal Gophers]

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. you just keep cheering for your Sioux fans!

  2. Well at least Sioux fans don't sit on their hands like the Gophers fans do.

  3. 'At least'? You should being saying 'At most'. The only positive thing you can say about the crowd up there is 'they're loud'. A huge chunk of them are not civil, maybe not knowledgeable, rather hammered, and beyond bitter about a border rival.

    The Sioux fans behavior sounded disgusting when the teams that gives you all a chip on the shoulder rolled through 3 weeks ago.

    It sounds like a truly negative atmosphere and if it doesn't change somebody will likely get seriously hurt. ....Oh yea, that already happened.

    From all that has been written in the last three weeks, it sounds completely beyond the pale and is tarnishing whatever shreds of a good image Sioux fans have outside of the UND community. ...Certainly the Native Americans want people with Sioux jerseys on pouring beer on the opponents' fans! :)

    It sounds like an awful place to take a family or a team for that matter.

    I am guessing Lucia is commenting about UND and SCSU.

    Wake up. He has every right to say what he said. Do you not realize how awful the Ralph looks once you get out of town a bit?

    Try to get over your preoccupation with the Gophers. Try to judge them and thier coach the way you judge your favorite team and its coach.

  4. I think he's talking more about SCSU then anywhere else. I rememeber a few years ago his wife got harassed there pretty bad and he hasn't forgotten that.

    And come on Goon, I've been to the Ralph many times, the corpies sit on their hands as much there as they do at 'Ucci. :)

  5. Charlies I wouldn't sit in the student section with my two year old, the language is kind of raw, in my section is the sit on your hands corpies for the most part. :)

    Hey didn't Wooger get into it with the fans in Wisconsin back in around 1996 or 1997? I thought he had a beer poured on him?

    Lastly, I think Gowzdecky has gotten it from the fans at the REA but I haven't seen the same thing with Lucia, mainly because he doesn't dance on the dancer and motion to the crowd.

  6. Also, as I recall, SCSU sponsored 'Throw AAA Batteries At The Gopher Players' Night both two years ago and three years ago...

  7. I think obviously he's referring to the Ralph the other weekend...but don't kid yourself. His #1 hated arena is Mankato. He's said it for years...he hates the taunting, swearing, alcohol, and said that coming to Mankato made his wife cry because of the chats.

    Wow, tDon really needs a publicist to run all of his comments through because his mouth has been out of control the past year! Seems like he's channeling his inner Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears. Get a grip!!

    If he thought UND was bad the other weekend, wait until the 1st weekend in December in Kato. He'll be a wreck because you know the Kato fans have not forgotten the antics of last season.

    I personally saw him have a hissy fit meltdown the other year when our students chanted "where is hirsh?" clap, clap, clap, clap, clap...."in the nut house!" You should have saw tDon freak out at that...of course that got the students going and then all game long it was "daddy's boy" to little Lucia and that got him even more mad. That would be the year his wife allegedly cried. Wow, over that stuff?!? If you can't handle hockey fans, don't go to the games! That wasn't even vulgar.

  8. it's funny that charlie mentions the injury in gf to support his argument that sioux fans are out of control when it was a sioux fan that was injured at the hand of a sucker punching gopher fan.

    get real, charlie, there are good fans and bad fans everywhere. und doesn't just admit students who promise to be jerks at hockey games. your school has just as many tools, that's life.

    at any rate, letsgomavs points out the simple truth that shows what an inept hockey coach lucia is. he's the only coach i know of in college hockey who actually lets the fans get under his skin.

    he should focus on coaching rather than worrying that some opponent's fan is making fun of the fact his son plays for him. weak.

  9. Amy your post made me laugh today because I think that Luica is a bit thin skinned, I am sure that Hakstol gets it from the fans when he is in other arenas.

    Krango I agree with you as well there are good fans and bad fans IN ALL Arenas I guess they just wear hallos in the John.

  10. Hey krangodance
    And its funny that the bigger picture alludes you. Must be that Alabama influence...

    ...Unless you are a 100% believer in nature over nurture, you should be able to recognize the impact an environment has on the events that take place in and around it.

  11. It appears that tDon treatments are still impeding his judgment. Don said a bunch of off the wall stuff last year as well after he got sick.

    Oh boy, come on Charlie now we are going to start quoting the nature versus nurture theory? What does that have to do with your hockey coach being thin skinned?

    The fact remains that Hill and Lucia need to watch what they say in interviews and television post game comments, notice Hill hasn't spoke on the Sioux and the Gophers since he blew it last year speaking off the cuff.

    While some around the WCHA don't like Hakstol he doesn't berate a fan base or a fellow opponent. All it does is fire people up and get them after you. Maybe some could learn from that.

  12. Goon, sorry if I wasn't clear. My comment was not in reference to the coach but in reference to krango-somethingoranother.

    He/she was pointing out that it was gopher fan that punched the badly injured chap at the Ralph 3 Friday night's ago.

    My point was that the bitter fans feed off of one another and the environment can influence a person. I am not condoning sucker punching or any kind of punching; just pointing out that the more immature among us escalate things beyond reason when they are in a hot environment.

  13. Charlie just for the record Krangodance is a good solid poster and I think he was pointing out that there are stains on all sides in all fan bases and that Lucia is just over reacting to a fan base or 2, 3, 4 or 5 in the league that has gotten under his skin. What people don't like about Lucia is he kind of comes off as being "better" or of a higher class and that he is some how above the fray.

    I have seen jerks of all fan bases down at the final five and they not all from SCSU, UND or UMD they are also wearing maroon and gold posing as gopher fans.

    I have had drunk fans from Minnesota corner me in the restroom to tell me my teams sucks, I had to ask this guy about 3 times to get he heck out of my way so I could return to my seat so I could see the game. The next time I was going to get a cop to have him ejected from the arena.

  14. Charlie remember you are preaching to the choir, I don't think it's cool to punch someone in the head, when you get to that point you have snapped. No body that I hang out with would do that and would not hang out with people that do that.

    Most of us believe that it's uncool to get in people's face or act like an un sophisticated moron. A lot of us would lose our jobs if we were out punching people at the REA after the game.

    I would rather visit and cheer for my team. 95 - 98.9% of all fan bases are the same way.

  15. alabama? really, charlie, that's how you're going to reply? is that supposed to mean that i'm backwards? ignorant? just plain stupid?

    look, i don't know how many wcha arenas you've been to around the league, but in my experience it's all about whether you end up sitting by one of those few in the minority who make the majority look bad. it's not the school or the fanbase, that's generally the same from place to place, it's luck of the draw when you're assigned your seat. by the way, those who bring their family to games and sit in the student section are as much to blame for the negative exposure their children recieve as the drunken college students they chose to sit near.

    regardless, you used an injury in gf to illustrate the negative environment up there. i pointed out that a gopher fan inflicted the injury and you come back with something about the gf environment causing that.

    that's bogus. clearly the gopher fan is in the wrong no matter what transpired that put him in a surly mood. the difference between me and you is i'm not about to sterotype all gopher fans based on this one idiot's actions.

    p.s. i've never been to alabama, but i've spent time in the south when i was in the marine corps and the people seemed perfectly friendly and well-mannered to me so maybe you were complimenting me...thank you.

  16. Goon- before you talk up Hak and his being above being thin skinned, remember that he got into it with Boosh at Tech the other year for Boosh razzing him and/or UND. Hak has had his share of misdoings with the temper.

    Not everyone can be as calm, cool, and collected as Jutting! *eyeroll and sarcasm* At least Jutts isn't saying stupid crap to the media like tDon.

    Oh, and don't say that you've seen bad from all fan bases Goonster...I bet you haven't seen a bad/mean/mouthy Maverick fan yet!! Not saying they're not out there, just saying you haven't come across them:) Of course, I make up for any bad ones! ha ha.

  17. Amy, If I remember right wasn't the players that got into it with Boosh?

    If I remember right I thought I read where Hak actually laughed at him. Maybe Tyler can correct the record for us.

  18. Yeah good point Krangodance, hey Charlie what's with this dissing of Alabama/south I did my Army basic training at Fort McClellan, AL and I like the people from the south, I also did some training for my current job at FLETC in Brunswich Georgia and I think the people from the South are pretty awesome.

  19. I think Hak started in on him and they had an exchange and then later the players approached him.

  20. I disagree with you Mr. Krango if you are saying that an environment does not influence those in and around it. If it didn't, why would fans be trying to create a 'hostile' environment for the opposing team by screaming, chanting, etc? Of course each one of us is responsible for his/her own actions. ...Relax on the alabama reference, it was joke and the fact you didn't get it means you aren't who I thought you might be.

  21. Jeepers Mr. Krango you are pretty off-base with your assumption! There is no difference between me and you regarding the stereotyping of fans.

    If you can be well-mannered in the South you might try it in this blog...

  22. I camped out for tickets in 2003 at the Ralph with the students and a SCSU fan ran through the fray and said the Sioux suck, that guy got a pretty nice beating, nothing hospital-ish like a couple weeks ago but still. But then you have the Gopher fans rioting when they won the championship. Really it is just drunk people acting stupid and that will never change.

  23. Also, I am not a Sioux fan, they are a fun team to watch, especially in transition, no one does it better, but what I really can't stand are the fans, everyone I know who is a Sioux fan carries this chip on their shoulder and always thinks they are being attacked. If they aren't the #1 team in the polls they bitch, if they aren't the #1 seed in the tournament they complain, just having one of the best teams and programs year to year is never good enough. Goon, you do a pretty decent job not being this way a lot of the time, but c'mon, who cares what Lucia says about ND or any other program, he clearly has a lot of other issues going on so if he talks down to your arena's atmosphere, so what. Get over it.

    I also attended UND for a year went to every single hockey game that year (2003-2004, maybe the best players ever assembled and still people complained), and I have married into an all UND three generations college graduated family so trust me, I know plenty of people like this.

  24. Charles, I just like debate and threw it out there. It's fun to discuss stuff in a civil manner.

    Hey what school do you like if your not a Sioux fan? Just wondering.

  25. I'm pretty sure Lucia is referring to Sioux fans in particular. Mankato perhaps as well. Probably not SCSU. Is there any coincidence that North Dakota and Mankato both happen to serve alchohol at their home games as well? I don't know, but it proabably has something to do with it. I hear profanity at just about every arena I got to, and I've been to every WCHA arena except Houghton and Anchorage. I also hear it at the Xcel for the Final Five. It can get out of hand, but I think I'd rather have a fan base that's into the game rather than the old, lame fame base that makes up 90% of the population at Mariucci where they sit there an twiddle their thumbs.

  26. I don't think it's the alcohol because they serve it at CC also and when I was there it was fine. Also, SCSU students get loaded and come to games so they're not any more drunk than UND and Mankato fans. Also, given the price of drinks it's mostly the adults that are buying them in Mankato...and I also noticed the same thing at the Ralph.

    Lucia just likes to complain.

  27. Trust me, most students get blitzed before the game, I have been there.

    Goon, I am a Beaver grad and fan, nothing more gratifying than watching a hard working, blue collar team get rewarded. I look forward to them being in the WCHA finally altough they will probably be a doormat for a long time there. I will miss the autobid, it was nice to get some of the limelight last year.

  28. OOH, now Goonster is going to like Charles because he's a fellow Beaver like him.

    For the record, I touched Goon's Beaver!! :)

  29. charlie, i didn't say anything to indicate i'm of the opinion that environment doesn't affect people and i certainly am not behaving in an ill-mannered way, but i'm done with this curvy, constant topic-changing, putting in words in my mouth trail you're trying to lead me down.

    letsgomavs, i apent four years in mankato and actually got my degree from there (total of eight years in college for a bachelor's degree; that's how you do college right).

    i went to several hockey games a year and usually sat in the student section. i can say with confidence that it's no different than the student section at the ralph (the old ralph anyways). i'm guessing you knew that already though.

    it's pretty much the same everywhere you go, it's just some people, and i'm not referring to you letsgomavs, look at their own fans through different eyes than they look at other fans.

    there are people like that everywhere in fact. i have to laugh at the ridiculous back and forth that goes on between sioux and bison fans, each one swearing that the other fanbase is full of beligerent a**holes.

    anyway, i believe the whole point of goon's blog post was to demonstrate lucia's lack of tact and class by crying to the media about his opinions of "other" schools in the wcha. that's not how you handle things and it makes one look like a the little tattle-tale on the playground to his peers.

  30. UMD fans complain about Sandelin being pretty much a robot, but I'd take robot over verbal diarrhea, sending your players after an opposing fan, whining and crying at the refs after every play and then smoking 800 cigarettes in your car with the windows rolled up, or teaching your players to fall down when their opponent breathes on them.

    (Now that I've said that, I'm sure someone will tell me that Sandelin ate their puppy.)

  31. runningwiththedogs, i think we'd all take a robot over the person you described. i must not know the league as well as you, who are you referencing?

    side note, the word that i have to type in the word verification textbox to post this is "phantasm". i think i had a couple of those in college when i was way too drunk and disinterested in my new "friend" to finish and didn't want to offend said "friend".

    now i'm married with a kid on the way so no need for phantasms in my future.

    was that too vulgar or offensive for this blog? if it is, sorry, i'll church things up in the future.

  32. I think RWD is speaking about Amy's favorite head coach Jutts, but I maybe wrong.

    If Sandy ate my dog he wouldn't have to eat for a very long time. LOL...

    Charles, the Beavers are my second favorite team, I also was a member of the 1992 Beaver football team until I cam to UND. I think I just dated myself. I played in the Galen Nagel (BSU's fund raiser) this summer and it was a blast people are excited for BSU hockey and the WCHA.

  33. Actually, I was referring to four separate coaches. It's like a game! Who is who?

  34. RWD, did I get one of the coaches right? :) :p

  35. rwd, you're killing me with curiosity. is it lucia? is it? is it? oh, dear God, tell me?

    now that's drama.

    my second favorite team is definitely the mavericks since i graduated from there. obviously when the sioux came to town, i turned on my alma mater, but i'm a mavericks fan in all non-sioux match-ups. i've definitely developed an affinity for the beavers over the past couple years, as many others in und nation probably have. i also like uw since my wife graduated from there. it's certainly more fun to have more than one team to root for in any league, but they're all way behind the sioux on my list.

    goon, did you play football for und? if so, what years?

  36. Krangodance, I don't mean to be repetitive, but I was not referring to one coach, I was listing traits of four separate coaches. So no, those don't ALL apply to Lucia.
