Saturday, October 17, 2009

CHA Argument.

Here is my latest column at the Illegal Curve.

I was thinking about the CHA and its 11 years of existence. Unfortunately the CHA will disband after 11 seasons of play. With the CHA disbanding, BSU will head to the WCHA, Niagara University and Robert Morris University will head to the AHA, and the University of Alabama Huntsville will head to the independent ranks after being snubbed by the CCHA with what appears to be some flimsy reasoning.

To show the CCHA they made a horrible mistake, the Chargers went out and beat the Fighting Irish to open the season. You know, the same Notre Dame that has been sitting at the top of the CCHA with Miami and Michigan. Question: is Notre Dame overrated or is UAH that good? I want to believe that UAH is that good. Notre Dame got a little pride back the next night as they beat the Chargers 3-1. UAH followed that loss with a victory against Air Force Academy last night 4-2. So hockey fans are you paying attention? UAH is not just going to go away.

I know it’s early, but UAH is 2-1 after beating Notre Dame and Air Force Academy. Maybe getting snubbed by the CCHA has lit a fire under their collective butts. The Air Force Academy Falcons, who were the favorite to win the AHA league title in the AHA preseason, are an unimpressive 0-3 so far thi season. All of Air Force Academy’s losses have come against CHA teams. Do I dare start the CHA is better than the AHA argument again? Maybe we should ask Notre Dame, they are 1-2 in their last three games against CHA teams going back to last season. That loss to UAH is going to leave a mark on Notre Dames PWR numbers, which is used to help select teams for the NCAA tourney in the middle of March.

Also my UAA vs Michigan prediction was spot on. [Illegal Curve] I said 7-2 but the score was 6-2. So I was off by one goal.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Goon, get your balls home and right up a story here. The boys at SS said they battled adversity's tough to get over adversity. It's adversity man. We got to get over it. But it's just so advers!!!!

  2. Took forever to get out of the parking lot and the bathroom. I was thinking about a story line when I discovered that back bencher want to sue me for speaking the truth.
