Thursday, May 07, 2009

David Backes finishes his check on Sprunger.

Check out this hit by Backes on Sprunger. Backes recieved a 5 minute major and a game misconduct for this questionable hit. While this hit was a penalty and probably dirty, I am still a big fan of David Backes. I also like what David Backes he brings to the table offensively. I think we will see Backes on the 2010 USA Olympic hockey team.


  1. That hit was CLEAN, the player went down and got back up the puck was in his feet and Backes hit him to get to the puck, CLEAN, the only call that COULD have been made was MAYBE a boarding call as he hit him into the boards from a distance, but thats the worst that should have been called.

  2. Re-watch the video, he hit Sprunger in the head. In IIHF they tend to call that a penatly. I think it is also bording. I am not faulting him I just know he was thrown out of the game for that hit.

  3. Swiss pansies, they should go back to guarding the pope and making cheese :D
