Friday, May 08, 2009

Alex Ovechkin knees Sergei Gonchar

So will the league come down on Ovechkin for his bush league kneeing penalty on Sergei Gonchar? I am going to say not. Ovechkin is their bread adn butter and don't bite the hand that feeds you. Penguins fans are not happy and I don't blame them. Can you imagine the outrage if some thug of lesser skills had did that to Ovechkin's knee?


  1. One of the few times i'll have to disagree with you goon. that to me, doesn't look like a dirty or blatant knee. the announcer says he stuck out his knee but if you watch he doesn't make any move with the knee at all. imo, unfortunate collision for Gonchar.

  2. Archie...what replay did you look at? Ovechkin clearly stepped into Gonchar with his right leg causing the knee to knee hit and the injury! Gonchar was in the process of trying to avoid Ovechkin, and Ovechkin utilized a dirty maneuver to make contact. He should at the very least be fined by the league.
