Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ovechkin's sick goal.

This goal by Alex Ovechkin is unbelievable. I believe it is worthy of an ESPY. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Ovechkin is the best hockey player in the NHL right now. I am sure that there will be some Penguins fans that will disagree with my assessment but the visual evidence is right here.
WASHINGTON -- Whether he was trying to contain his excitement or simply was just completely aware of the situation, Alex Ovechkin was a bit self-deprecating when he met with the media at the podium after Friday's 4-0 playoff win over the New York Rangers.

Ovechkin might have just scored one of the greatest goals in playoff history (at least in terms of highlight-reel merit) in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals, but he used works like "lucky" and "terrible" when asked to describe what happened.

Here it is: First, Ovechkin gets around Chris Drury at the top of the attacking zone. Next, he slides the puck through Derek Morris' skates and as it comes out on the other side, kicks it slightly forward with his left skate. He regains possession, but now he starts to fall down.

No big deal.


  1. Obviously AO is the most complete player in the league. Any fool knows this, and if they don't, they they are either very stupid, very stubborn, or their a Shittsburgh Penguins fan. What separates him from a player like Malkin is his physical nature. We all know about his 56 goals and his highlight reel videos, but what most don't know is that he was also 10th in the league in hits - something that none of the other elite players in the league can even come close to.

  2. Best offensive player? Yes.

    Best overall player? No effin way. Even if you don't like Crosby and Malkin fine. I think Zetterberg and Datsyuk are both just as good as he is, if not better overall.

  3. None of those players you mention are as complete players as Ovechkin. They aren't a explosive, they aren't as offensive, they aren't as physical, and they don't score the eye-popping goals that AO does. Crosby whine and has an attitude problem. Zetterberg and Datsyuk are solid defensively and play on a much better team, so that inflates their status. Malkin would be the second best overall player in my book. He pretty much took that game over against the Flyers yesterday.

  4. Your right WCHA if I was building a team and had a choice between Ovie, Cindy Crosby, Malkin, Zetterberg and Datsyuk I am taking Ovechkin.

  5. That's fine. I'll take the other guys and have a better team.
