Sunday, April 26, 2009

Donald Brashear hit on Blair Betts.

You can bet that the league office will be taking a look at this hit. Was it a cheap head shot? In my opinion it was definitely interference and a dirty hit that may knock a player out of the next game.

At the end of the video you will see Brashear and Orr talking before the game in the pregame warmups. I would imagine that could also lead to a game suspension. I expect game seven to be very exciting and full of drama.


  1. I would say that it will be a 1-game suspension. If you look at it closely, the elbow was up and the puck was long gone. It's not like Brashear is a key piece to the Caps team though, he's only there to fight and cause trouble. The Caps won the game and forced game 7, that's really all they care about. The Rangers are bleeding profusely right now and need to re-focus for game 7 otherwise they will again not only get blown out, but also see their season end. It's going to be insanity at the Verizon Center on Tuesday night! Just a few days ago, I think the Bruins were possibly looking at the Rangers in the second round. Now they're probably looking at the Pens.

  2. I don't think that he got him with his elbow. It must have been the shouldermapad in the face that got him.

    Another case where a college style full face shield would have saved the day.

  3. I like the fact that the NHL doesn't wear the bird cage which has been said to lead to more stick work and the players feel invinceable leading to more bushleague tactics (sp).

  4. The hit looked like a clean shoulder hit to me, but it was late and should have warranted an interference penalty (just barely). Betts didn't see it coming, which made it worse, but I don't think it was a cheap or dirty hit, other than being a little late. The pregame warmup touch could justify the suspension, but I understood it - Orr was over the line and Brashear wanted him to know he didn't like it.

  5. late hit..LOL..thats funny The puck was nowhere near Betts. This hit was nothing short of criminal and so damn cowardly. Brashear knew that Orr wasn't playing so why not take a Ranger out of the game. "Noones gonna fight me" What a disgusting display of goonery. Betts is going to be out of game 7 and it may ruin his career if he has a concussion. How the refs missed this is beyond me and the league should suspend this neandathal for all playoff games that the Capitals play in. People that won't admit that this was dirty and cheap should be ashamed of themeselves.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Voros owes Betts an apology. Voros hits Brash “late” along the boards (a few beats after Brash plays the puck), and Voros skates off when Brash comes looking for him. That hit clearly pissed Brash off, and Betts just happens to be the next player in the path of retribution. The hit Brash delivers isn’t much, if any, more “late” than the Voros hit on Brash.
