Friday, April 10, 2009

Did Chara break the code?

Our friend BrettB mentioned in another blog post earlier that Chara had broke the code when he was pounding on Les Hab's hack Mike Komisarek during last night's game.
BrenttB said:Chara guy was punching guys with gloves on?? Uh oh... numerous amounts of hockey code were broken from the highlights I saw..
True Zedno Chara did run in to the pile and start wailing away on someone that was sort out of the play and being held back by two officials and Chara did keep his gloves on. What does everyone think?


  1. I just caught the highlights of that game, and didn't know the exact sequence of events.. Curious to know though, but I thought if anyone was breaking code that game it was Lucic from what I remember. Plus I'm at work so I can't watch any videos, I'll have to watch later tonight. As I'm still recovering from the Playoff party last night..

  2. I wear black and gold glasses as well so I didn't see anything that upset me. :) Lucic is a monster and I enjoy watching him play.

  3. After watching replays, I'll give Chara the roughing penalty, but if I was the other team I'd be chirping at him letting him know if your going to punch. drop the gloves.

    But earlier I give Lucic a huge instigator penalty, he clearly was hit with a legal hip check almost Malkin ish when Crosby came to retaliate.. But instead it was Lucic that came b-lining straight for the guy and attacked him from behind. that was the worst one of the game..

    All in all great physicality, but definate bad blood thats boiled over..

    This is BrettB in STL

  4. When the Habs and Bruins play there will be gloves on the ice.
