I know it is a little late but I just got around to listening to it Hockey Show that was on the 20th of March. Click here to listen to an awesome Hockey show (Click here to listen to the show on the Web site) (Click here for the iTunes version).
Here is the latest from the Hockey Show.
At 13:00 in: BSU Coach Tom Serratore talks about college hockey is a grind, there is no tougher sport than major college hockey, season starts in October and if you go to the Frozen Four your season ends on April 10th. We travel all over North America. There are three seasons in one, Time in the season you can't do anything right, there is a time in the season where everything is clicking, then there is a time that your 50/50.
At 20:00 in to the podcast WCHA Commissioner Bruce McLeod talks with Moose Richards about the WCHA and a few of the issues they had on the ice this season. Some interesting stuff here, one point really made my blood boil. They talked about the Mankato game and Channing Boe getting injured.
McLeod said the Mankato game was not a good game; McLeod was at the game a lot of things started to happen in that game that just got away from everybody. Channing had a faux pas right before he got hurt he got a checking from behind penalty and that is a real, real no no. A penalty was going to be called. One of the Minnesota players took objection and kind of grabbed him from behind and in the melee it wasn't the action of the Minnesota player I can't tell you how he actually broke his leg.
First off; Bruce you kind of missed a major point there. You glossed over the Todd Bertuzzi style attack by Schack on Channing Boe that in my opinion is WAY more serious than a checking from behind penalty. Also, I am not saying that checking from behind isn't a serious offense because it is, however, when the league allowed a player to get away with a gutless act like Schack did and to only give him one game DQ for jumping a fellow competator and beating him with your gloves and helmet on your opponent was laying on the ice in a vulnerable position can not be allowed to happen. Boe could fight back and was being attacked while his leg had already been broken is a horrible situation.
Expansion was talked about at 30:40 minutes in. McLeod didn't reveal any other schools other than BSU that has indicated that they are going to apply for membership; they are evaluating what they want to do with their programs in the futures. There is a degree of interest from other schools. It would be interesting to see who the other schools. McLeod wouldn’t reveal who they were since they are still playing in other conferences. So I wonder if we can assume UNO, NMU, UAH are the schools that interested?
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