Thursday, January 08, 2009

The heated rival, The Gophers come to town.

Dave Berger has a interesting piece on the Sioux vs Gophers matchup.
Here are some fan’s opinions on both sides of the Sioux/Gopher rivalry:

“Proximity. UM is the closest elite team to UND. Going to games in Grand Forks, you would see tons of Gopher fans, and that always makes for a heated atmosphere.” OETKB

“I hate the way (North Dakota) steals all of our home grown talent.” Go4er

“(The Gophers) always get the night games at the Final Five - that makes lots of UND fans angry.” dj_hoime

“From the maroon and gold side of things - I’ve come to love the intensity of this rivalry and put this matchup at the top of all rivalries in college sports today.” hoop

And one that sums up what all of us are thinking:

“It comes down to one thing at the end of the day - the scoreboard. Is it 7:30 yet?” Go4er...

This is one of my favorite rivalries that the Fighting Sioux play the Wisconsin BADgers are my second favorite rivalry, Denver University is number three, I find that Denver fans are the more reasonable of the three. Badger fans are a lot of fun as well.

As a rabid Sioux fan nothing is more offensive to me and other Sioux fans than the hated Golden Rodent, maroon and gold and that cheesy “ M”. Their fans come up the Ralph and act like they own the place, maybe why that is why the Holy Cross defeat is so funny. No I didn't by a Holy Cross shirt, but I used to go to their football games when I lived in Massachusetts. I am not sure the Gopher football team could beat them either. I don’t care to this day the Gopher defeat to the Holy Cross is funny to me and I could care less if anyone takes issue with it. I have never seen a fan bass leave town so fast. Actually, I think Minnesota is one of the few WCHA teams to have the honor of losing to both RIT and Holy Cross.

Of my Brother and sisters there are five us, only two of us like the Fighting Sioux, my sister Kim is also a 1992 graduate of the University of North Dakota. One of my sisters is married to a former Golden Gopher Hockey player; some refer to as the golden golfer. I know the question you are going to ask; No I don’t hate my family members. I can’t help it they make poor choices in their sports teams. I also don’t hate Gophers fans, it’s like democrats and republican we are all Americans. Living in a border town we are surrounded by Gopher Fans and have many friends that also make poor choices in their sports teams. I like the Gopher football team but hate the Hockey team. Some have said that makes no sense, I can’t explain it.

I just want the Sioux to crush the Gophers and beat them up doing it. I want to see the Sioux send their chirping fans home down I-29 and I-94 with their tails between their legs. The Sioux have had a lot of success lately playing the Gophers as they are 9-6-1 since Dave Hakstol took over the Fighting Sioux reigns. Who is going to win this weekend I don’t have a clue, while I did make the prediction of three points for the Sioux I believe a split or two ties could happen as well.

(If you take offense to this article your too thin skinned)

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