Friday, December 26, 2008

INCH-ESPN perspective on the GLI.

Check out what INCH had to say about the upcoming GLI. Yeah I am not going to shed a tear for the Wolverines because they are missing a player or two to the WJC. In years past UND fans have had to watch depleted Sioux teams tangle in the Christmas tourneys as well as league games during the WJC.
Michigan looks for second consecutive Great Lakes win
Who to Watch --- Michigan will be the only team shorthanded from the World Junior Championships this year, as offensive catalysts Aaron Palushaj and Matt Rust will represent the United States in Ottawa. The leaves a great deal of the burden on Palushaj's linemate Louie Caporusso to pick up the slack, and he'll be looking for help from freshman David Wohlberg, who has played very well in recent weeks. For the Sioux, keep your eyes on Brad Miller and Chay Genoway, who each have 18 points on the season. And, given the fact that neither Michigan State nor Michigan Tech has generated much offense, they'll rely on the goaltending of Jeff Lerg and Josh Robinson to keep them afloat.

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