Dirty's Diatribe
There is a new blog in the making the it's appearance on the Hockey Blogsphere and this blog is written by the one and only cape wearing Dirty. Also, since Amy from Lets Go Mav's said I was slighting Dirty, that wasn't the case (Truth is last night it was really late and I didn't have a chance to read his article and get it on line)
Dirty, Dirty, Dirty
Dirty, who's famous (or should I say infamous?!?) on USCHO has started his own BLOG and also took time out of his busy schedule of posting on USCHO to answer my questions.
Below are his answers...in typical Dirty fashion. Enjoy!
TEAM NAME: University of North Dakota
HOW DID YOU GET THE NICKNAME DIRTY: Don’t you read RWD’s blog? You ask her to contribute to your blog when you don’t even read hers? Seems kind of selfish of you. (I read it all the time but I can't be expected to remember every little detail!!)
BEST FORWARD: Keeway Gaboo. Yes he plays for UND. Look it up if you really want to know. (This is some stupid name for TJ Oshie..."stupid little asshead" works better for me though!)
YOUR PERSONAL FAVORITE PLAYER & WHY: The Oshie. He is The Oshie, no further explanation is necessary.
YOUR PREDICTION FOR YOUR TEAM CAPTAINS IN 2008: Robbie Bina – A Kyle Radke – A Taylor Chorney – C
WHY ARE YOU A FAN OF YOUR TEAM: Beause the Hrkac Circus is the greatest line in the history of college hockey. I grew up in East Grand Forks and went to school at UND. Also Justin Dubermann, as said by Scott Hennan, is the greatest name in the history of college hockey.
BEST ARENA SONG: Fight on Sioux
BEST TRADITION YOUR TEAM HAS: Being almost as big of goons as the Mankato Normal School. I mean the Mankato State Teachers College. I mean Mankato State College. I mean Mankato State University. I mean Minnesota State University-Mankato. (If Dirty thinks our players are Goons, he should get his butt to Kato and see the fight I can put up. I may be a girl but I'm scrappy and could kick his ass. Oh, and for the record it was only "Mankato State University AND Minnesota State University, Mankato" when I went to school there! Sorry...I'll try to find some rich old bigot to donate money to our school to FORCE us to keep a name!)
YOUR PREDICTION FOR THE UPCOMING SEASON: The Maloney Pony makes a fool out of CPZ. (This is some weird bet between Dirty and MeanEgirl)
YOUR SECOND FAVORITE TEAM IN THE WCHA: Once again, don’t you read RWD’s blog? Michigan Tech. Duh.
COACH YOU HAVE THE MOST RESPECT FOR: Troy Jutting. Any man who can overcome starring in a movie with Cher, deserves my respect (Ok, this almost made me pee my pants! Awesome answer!!)
OPPOSING WCHA PLAYER YOU DESPISE THE MOST: Geoff Paukovich. Take note Goon, I can properly spell Paukovich’s first name. (Be nice, Goon sometimes has grammar and spelling issues. He works nights and is republican, so his brain doesn't work right!)
BEST JERSEYS: Grand Rapids High School. You didn’t say anything about it having to be a WCHA team. (I guess I need to be more specific for the slow kids...)
WORST JERSEYS: Mankato. They have improved though since that wretched NY Rangers style jersey a few years ago. (Smart talk coming from a guy who wants Hollywood's jersey SO bad!)
SHOULD THE WCHA HAVE ALLOWED BEMIDJI TO JOIN: Sure. Another whipping boy from Minnesota is always welcome. Plus the Glas Fieldhouse is awesome. I love going to places that are fire hazard death traps.
PREDICTIONS ON THE 5 TEAMS TO MAKE THE 2008 FINAL 5: Gophers, Sioux, Pioneers, Tech and Tigers
MOST ANNOYING WCHA FORWARD EVER & WHY: Dan Kronick. When he’s on the ice, I can’t see past his chin.
MOST ANNOYING WCHA DEFENSEMAN EVER & WHY: Nate Metcalf. No reason, I just wanted to mention the guy I graduated with who played for the Mavs.
HOTTEST MALE WCHA PLAYER: Robby Nolan. (What?!?! I thought Hollywood was his mancrush....)
BEST BLOGGER: dggoddard. I mean Let’sGoMavs. Whew that was close. (Damn right I'm better than dggoddard!! Ok...so kidding. Many bloggers put me to shame!)
BEST POSTER ON USCHO: [cf]authentic. Oops, I misread. I thought you said biggest a-hole.
JUSTIFY WHY UND DOESN'T SUCK AND WHY I SHOULD ACTUALLY LIKE THEIR FANS: I can’t justify either, especially the fans part. A lot of UND fans, like [cf]authentic, are a bunch of jerkoffs.
THE MAVERICK PLAYER YOU LIKE THE MOST & WHY: This question is completely unnecessary for me to answer. Much like Highlander, there can be only one. (yes, we all know Dirty has a mancrush on Hollywood....it kinda freaks me out actually!)
THE MAVERICK PLAYER YOU LIKE THE LEAST & WHY: Kurtis Kisio. He wouldn’t tell me how Hollywood got his hair so awesome. Plus he spells his name with a K and that’s just dumb. Kelly should be stripped of his NHL stats for that. (Ouch! and I thought that I was rough on Kisio!)
WHAT IS YOUR JUSTIFICATION FOR BEING SO OFF THE WALL THAT YOU THINK CHRIS CLARK LIKES YOU BETTER THAN ME: Among the many reasons is that I am willing to go with the Hollywood hairstyle. That’s devotion right there and I know Chris appreciates it. (and how would Dirty know if I had the mohawk or not? Maybe I do!! Maybe Hollywood frosted it for me...hmm....)
WILL YOU BE VISITING THE MWCC THIS COMING SEASON? (AND IF NOT START EXPLAINING WHY): Maybe. Depends if I can get work off. And if I can get free tickets. And if I can get a free place to stay. If all these things happen, I’ll be there with bells on. Provided I can find suitable bells. (Well, please have SOMETHING on. We don't need a naked Dirty at the MWCC. Oh, and be sure to let us know if you're coming so Hollywood has time to get the restraining order!)
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