Friday, February 16, 2007

When you see the World through Maroon and Gold Shades

I found this over on Gopher Puck Live

skiumah2 said: The Gophers won 7 straight games at the X from the 2002 Frozen Four through the 2004 Final 5. 2 Frozen Four games, 4 Final 5 games, and one non conference game against Ohio St. Those Gopher teams were 3 of the best Minnesota squads ever. It's understandable they had success during that time period. They likely win those games no matter where they play them. Minnesota also won 1 Final 5 at the old Civic Center and 2 Final 5's in Milwaukee. They didn't win any of the Final 5's played at Target Center. With the exception of the fore mentioned 7 game run, Minnesota hasn't really faired any better than any of the other top dogs in the WCHA, especially when the event has been in the Twin Cities. In fact, Minnesota's winning percentage is extremely higher at the Bradley Center then it is at the Civic Center, Target Center, or the Xcel Center. While the Gophers have always had the "home ice" type crowd support, playing at the X has not given Minnesota any significant advantage over the rest of the WCHA. At least in terms of on ice results.

Also, the "Minnesota Rule" that demands Minnesota play the Friday night game even if they are in the 2 or 3 seed spot. That doesn't help them in any way at all. I love when opposing fans bring that one up. I agree its unfair, but it's an unfairness that doesn't give Minnesota any advantage what so ever. I've never understood how people think it is.

I have to hand to him that is a funny rant; I am not sure how this guys is able to say this with a straight face. We listen to the same thing every year. This season there is no doubt that the Gophers are going to be awarded the McNaughten Anchor, no body is going to catch them, not even the Huskies, but what if the Gophers were having a bit of a down year in the standing? There is no way that person could say with a straight face that the Minnesota Rule doesn't help them. Yeah; Ok. Here is a suggestion, lets say the Gophers give the Minnesota rule up then. Right, it will never happen.

Seriously, lets get real. The Minnesota Rule is totally advantagious to the Gophers, there is not doubt about it. Especially if the winner of the play in game is supposed to play the number one seed and ends up playing in the 2:00 PM game. I am sure most Gopher fans would say, "finish your season better". Personally I really don't have a big problem with the league wanting to capitalise on revenue because it gets split 10 different ways, but don't insult people intelegience with those type of statements.


  1. The Minnesota Rule hurts out of state fans. It doesn't necessarily give the Gophers an advantage on the playing field, but it favors fans who have to drive 10 miles over fans who are driving or flying hundreds of miles.

  2. RWD,
    Your right on that one. The minnesota rule is a joke and I do believe it is an unfair advantage to the Gophers. This season we won't have to worry about it, but the Goofers aren't going to win the WCHA every year.
