Saturday, February 03, 2007

Western College Hockey: Wayne State Applies to CCHA

Expansion; Just Something to Think About

Western College Hockey: Wayne State Applies to CCHA

I think Chris from Western College Hockey makes some good points that are going to have to be addressed in the future. People can stick their head in the sand but this is an issue that isn't going to go away anytime soon. The CHA will not be able to survive with only 5 teams. I personally like the Idea of BSU and UNO in the WCHA, if BSU can assured the league they are in fact getting a new arena. I have bee told by people in the know at BSU that are in fact getting a new arena.

As for Huntsville, I have heard they are going to disband their hockey program in the future. I personally suggest that they submit an application to the Atlantic Hockey or Hockey East. I don’t just don’t know what you should do with them. Unless college hockey seriously thinks about adding 4-6 more games this maybe a mute point.

There is one perceived negative what do you do with a 12 team WCHA? For one you could have a Super Six instead of a Final Five. So I have over come one objection already. Personally, the fans would show up anyway. I am all for 6 games in three days as opposed to 5 games in three days.

Lastly, no matter what happens someone is going to be unhappy with the way everything shakes out. You can take a trip to the bank on that one. Hockey purists will say a 12 team WCHA sucks, but the CCHA has done it for years.


  1. Nope, it wasn't me. I think it's weak to give someone a negative rep and then not sign your name. You know me...I'm straight forward and rip on people to their faces!

    I got a negative rep yesterday for saying RJ was hot..someone wrote "rj is not hot" and gave me a neg rep for it. WEAK! They could have atleast signed their name!!

  2. I figured it wasn't you anyways, just trolling to see if you were alive after hockey in Mankato last night.

    That is a stupid element of USCHO.
    Its almost high school like that they would have people giving people reps. I got a bad rep because I was poo pooing the whole incident. If you read my entry below in the whole grand scheme of things its pretty minor.

  3. I read a little bit about it in the Star Trib today. I think it's funny that Bina opened the car door to let the guys out. Come on, that's WAY funny. Reminded me of the old days. I mean, who didn't do stupid stuff like that in college? I don't think this is a big deal, as I didn't think the Gopher thing was a big deal. People need to get a life..they're just young kids having fun.

    Any truth to Bina going off on the cops saying "do you KNOW who WE are?" and stuff? Now, that's not cool. Any cop I know will tag you for sure if you pull that crap!

    I survived...actually I didn't go out at all last night. Too cold:( I'm a wuss. I'll go out tonight, but who knows if I'll drink or not. I just haven't been in the mood for that lately. I think I'm growing up:)

    Oh, I totally agree with the neg. rep thing too. I think that if you do it, it should show who you are. That's just weak to not put your name on crap.

  4. I am having a hockey withdrawal.
    I watched UNH and Maine followed by UMD and DU, both games weren't very exciting at all.

    UND moved to 8th in the power by not playing last night. Heck that works for me.

  5. My problem with expanding the WCHA is that we are already playing an unbalanced schedule.

    Right now there are four teams you don't play both at home and away during the year.

    If you assume that you get no more WCHA games you'd wind up not playing eight of the 11 other teams in the league in home and away series.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoys the changes in the matchups when you play home and away in the same season. If you get swept on the road in the other guys barn you want to return the favor when they come here. If they steal one from your barn you want to steal one back.

    The other issue is that long-term does adding BSU and UNO make the WCHA stronger. I doubt we'll get any more tournament bids out of the deal.

    More teams is better. We certainly don't want to go back to the days when we only had 6 teams in the WCHA. (Although playing the Hockey East schools in the integrated schedule was an interesting concept.)

  6. It will be interesting to see what happens. I know the NCAA doesn't want the CHA to fold but no one wants to be in the CHA either.
