Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Whistler tackles the Reffing in the WCHA.

The State of Officiating in the WCHA
The Whistler from Say Anything Blog Link to The Whistlers Article
Takes on the issue of the officiating in the WCHA. I know it is a touchy issue as many WCHA fans have brought it up almost weekly, however, its not just the fans, there has also been a lot of and dissatisfaction with the level of officiating from time to time from the coaches in the WCHA as well, which finally lead to a WCHA coaching confronting the game official after the game and hence getting into a profanity laced altercation with that game official.

Locally Sioux fans that bitch (I am one of them) about the officiating have been called halos by opposing teams fans. Some think its just sour grapes or entitlement hockey but that isn't the issue. The issue is the officiating and the on ice official’s performance that can be dismal at times. I believe the WCHA officials have to be better because I believe the fans deserved better. After watching the game between the Gophers and the Pioneers last night I believe the officials in that game should be suspended and publicly scorned. Todd Anderson totally took the game over and made the game about him. There was no flow to the game and the first period took almost an hour to finish. I would love to see the grade that Greg Sheppard gives Anderson for his weekend performance. Oh by the way third man in is a game misconduct not a two minute minor.

The fans pay hundreds of dollars to watch college hockey only to have to witness the performance of the paid officials hit all time lows. So if the coaches are saying it anonymously then it’s as bad as it looks to the fans as well. In the WCHA I believe the worst of the officials are in no particular order: Don Adam, Todd Anderson, Marko Hunt, Derrick Sheppard. I believe the only way to change the officiating is too clean house and start over, starting at the top with head of officials Greg Sheppard. The fans and administrations of the WCHA schools should demand this.


  1. ALL of the WCHA refs suck. Time to clean house!

  2. I agree, starting with Sheppard and working our way down.
