Thursday, January 11, 2007


Links around the Blogsphere:
Lets Go Mavs says that I have been slacking this week. Yep I have, so I decided that I had to do something. Truth be told there is lots of time at night to write but when you in the middle of an 8 over-nights (midnight shift) in a row blogging comes second.

I did find Donalds UAA Fan Blog most recent blog article to be interesting.
Donalds claim is that its the worst blog article ever. UAA Blog
So having started out three times to write something about this series and then deleting all of them I figured I'd just write and whatever comes out is what you're stuck reading. I started a typical UND has "this and that" as I've been doing most of the year at midweek. But it was boring stuff. Here's UND's stats. I was going to write about UAA's lines and how Charlie Kronschnabel's injury has affected them (he'll likely return against UofM). Not that it's necessarily boring but it didn't come out sounding like I wanted it to sound, so I deleted it. I thought about writing about Lawson and Olthuis but if I write about a goaltender and he gets pulled or blown out then how stupid will I feel? I could write about the freshman but we all know they've been playing great and developing just as they should. I could write about the upperclassmen stepping up from last year but how often can you read me saying that same stuff.

Chris Dilks deals with the Referee incident. Wester College Hockey
I would have to say that I agree with Chris on his analysis of the situation. I am sure that a ruling and a suspension is coming soon. I also believe that Campion should have not gotten into a shouting match with a league coach after a game, very unprofessional in my opinion.

Jon Campion should also be disciplined, but I'm not holding my breath. We're supposed to believe that the league's officials are completely impartial. Coaches aren't even allowed to mention officiating without suffering some sort of reprimand because to do so would imply that officials play some factor in the outcome of the game. It's the Great Lie that we'd all like to believe, but see proven false every weekend. And now we're supposed to believe that Jon Campion was completely impartial this past weekend when less than 10 minutes after the game, he was engaged in a heated argument with one of the coaches? It's one thing for Means to yell at him, but for Campion to respond to it, which it sounds like he did, that's completely unprofessional and unacceptable.

Celebrating Mediocrity agrees with me on the shootout as an option for settling games. Celebrating Mediocrity I really like this piece this person writes on the shoot out and I agree.

The problem with Wodon and other hockey purists is that they want the game to grow, but refuse to open their minds to change. They expect the rest of the world to all of a sudden open their eyes and see hockey the way we all see it.

Well I'm sorry purists but its not going to happen. If you want the sport to grow, you will have to except change.

College hockey, like professional hockey, is a business. It is a business that can not survive on the support of the purists alone. Most of us do not even pay to go to college hockey games. We are in the press box, eating free food.


  1. My and officiating incident with the Goophers coming out on top.

    Is anyone surprised?

  2. No one is surprised. I love how these Gopher fans are tar and feathering the MSU-M coach. Can you imagine if the Gophers were the top penalized team in the WCHA, head would roll.

  3. Actually I can't imagine that because it would never happen.

  4. I wouldn't mind seeing Jutts with tar and feathers all over him. Not just for this though...this was just the icing on the cake.
