Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Miller Takes on the Double A-Zone: This is Some Classic Stuff.

Pat Miller in the Zone:
I wonder if the NC$$ ever feels like it picked the wrong fight, when it deemed the University of North Dakota’s Fighting Sioux name hostile and abusive... Seriously I bet the NCAA never expected some of the responses they have gotten from Sioux fans since the NCAA picked a fight with UND. Give them hell Pat Miller.
Double A Zone
Minnesota takes a stand. Minnesota athletics director Joel Maturi announced that the school will not compete against North Dakota in any sport other than men’s or women’s ice hockey because of its Fighting Sioux nickname. Both schools compete in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association, and I assume that’s why the Gophers will keep playing North Dakota on the ice. While the NCAA has come under much criticism for the Executive Committee’s policy restricting the use of Native American mascots, nicknames and imagery, this reinforces that there are plenty of people who work in higher education who don’t condone the use of racially sensitive monikers in the athletics arena. Maturi isn’t the first to take a stand and likely won’t be the last.

Patrick Millers Response:

So when's the NCAA going to dump Pontiac as a sponsor? That's the auto manufacturer that uses the name of a famous American Indian chief for profit and a stylized arrowhead logo for marketing purposes. Or are economic factors more important than high-minded principles to the NCAA?

When is the NCAA going to change the name of its Theodore Roosevelt Award? After all, it was Roosevelt who once said: "I suppose I should be ashamed to say that I take the Western view of the Indian. I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth." Why does the NCAA continue to honor a man who engaged in hate speech and advocated the genocide of American Indians?

Of course, Minnesota itself is an American Indian word. The University of Minnesota rests upon land once occupied by the Santee Sioux tribe, a tribe forced off its land by broken treaties at the point of a gun. Other Sioux tribes in Minnesota suffered the same fate. Many of their ancestors now live in North Dakota and attend UND because of its 25+ programs for American Indians. Perhaps the good citizens of Minnesota could better display their sensitivity and sense of social justice by returning that stolen property to its original owners.

If you think that the the University of Minnesota, which has four times the number of students as UND, actually enrolls more American Indian students that its "hostile and abusive" neighbor to the west, you'd be wrong. The hypocrisy displayed by the NCAA and the University of Minnesota on this issue is nothing short of stunning.

We will all be patiently waiting for Josh to respond to Miller’s comments I doubt one will be forth coming any time soon. Hey, we will wait. Mostly likely Josh will take the high road, and fail to answer Pat’s comments. Probably just blow them off as more UND anti NCAA rhetoric. Sadly the NCAA continues to sit in its ivory tower and look down on people, wringing their hands and trying to rid the college athletic world of social injustices. The sad part is that look like a bunch of elitist boobs. There is an old saying about not throwing stones when you live in glass houses.

Here is another comment from a fan that I thought was interesting, but it does add to the discussion. Read and enjoy:
What a fine stand to take. But wait a second, oops, he seems to have forgotten that wrestling competed against Central Michigan....the Chippewas. And, oops, forgot to check that pesky Golf schedule on their web page....where they played in the "Fighting Illini Invitational." You want an example of a stand? Find someone who isn't also a hypocrite.

Lucky for Minnesota their football team won't be good enough to meet Florida State anytime soon.... Imagine the backpedaling he’d have to do then!
Posted by: Jerry Hatch

Someone should call Maturi and ask him to explain this policy and aske him why the University of Minnesota can play CMU in golf but not UND in basketball. Seems like the University of Minnesota pretty much violated its own policy they were beating their chest about. Finally, be happy Gopher fans that your team doesn’t have to play mighty FSU in Football. Realistically speaking, your team barely beat the NDSU Bison a provisional member of Division 1AA (and a very good one I might add also) what makes you think your team can win a game against a legitimate 1-A football opponent. But Hey your moral fiber won't allow you to play the Sioux. Thats your loss by the way.

The point of contention for me and other UND fans is that one name/mascot is good for one some schools and under the same types of circumstances another name is not good for other schools, mostly schools that aren't as big and as powerful as FSU. Because of this flawed policy some schools remain on the list, while other schools do not. I hate to cloud the issue with fact but:

The NCAA attempts to distinguish UND's situation from CMU's by stating that it "received no Resolutions or other official statements in opposition from Chippewa Tribes in connection with use of the name by CMU" (emphasis added) while not denying that it has been on actual notice that in fact five other Chippewa Tribes in Michigan actually do oppose CMU's use of the name, which UND pointed out to the NCAA in its Nov. 4th 2005 memo. (Def. NACD's Mem. Opp"n to Pl.'s Mot. for Prelim. Inj. at 41-42). The NCAA's disparate treatment of CMU and UND constitutes bad faith.

EDIT: My Response, I wrote this response to poster by the name of Scott who had posted on the NCAA blog.

A long time ago Minnesota couldn’t beat Denver in college hockey and some speculated it was because DU used too many 25-year-old Canadians… The Gophers decided not to schedule Denver for some time (that made them look petty IMHO). However, Minnesota won’t be so silly this time around, for one it would make them look petty just like they did when they wouldn’t play DU in hockey, but the real reason the University of Minnesota doesn't want to forgo playing the UND Fighting Sioux is because they would be cutting off their nose to spite their face, they would lose too much money.

Don’t let the Gopher administrators fool you…UND is one of their biggest rivals in hockey. So when the Fighting SIOUX play the University of Minnesota they play the games in arenas packed to the rafters. Almost every game between UND and UMN that I can remember has been sold out. Second UMN doesn't want to forfeit the games. If some ridiculous school doesn’t want to play UND one of the other sports so be it, it’s their loss. However, notice no one is saying hey, we don’t want to play UND in hockey. The athletic director apologized to her minions for scheduling UND in hockey (a move that she has since been lambasted for) but notice she didn’t pull UND invitation, because she knows UND is a big draw in college hockey and will pack her arena.

When this is all said and done we will really find out that political correctness run amuck will be met with severe pushback from the rest of the non-liberal elites. The majority of people are sick of liberal social engineering. The Minnesota issue just proves how far out of touch with the rest of mainstream society the NCAA and hand wringing liberal elites are.

Posted by: Goon | December 27, 2006 01:02 PM

I am betting Josh won't comment on any of the 6 responses that have been posted to his blog entry.

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