Sunday, December 03, 2006

Friday Night Fights, the Brawl that Wasn't.

Gophers and Mav's Friday night

After watching the Gophers and the Mavericks game on Saturday and then seeing a tape of the incident in question, I don't believe that Wheeler intentionally tried to hurt Tormey the defenseman from MSU-M Brian Killberg definitely checks Wheeler into Tormey, I am not sure that Wheeler had a chance to stop because of momentum. Come one we can hate the Gophers but to accuse them of this type of action might not make too much sense. From my perspective and having watched the tape a half dozen times I don’t’ see it, and I don’t thing that Wheeler would try to intentionally injure Tormey. I don’t believe from watching Wheeler for two years (I have seen most of his game on TV) that Blake is that type of hockey player (I can’t see tDon approving of these type of bush league tactics), also Wheeler hasn’t earned the rep of being that guy, its not like he is a thug a like another player that comes to mind.

Refs Have Another Strong Night
Not to hack on the refs in this game but I do think the refs blew a couple of calls here. Joe Kalisinki and Derek Peltier should have been given third man in penalties and a game misconduct or disqualification, I am not sure which one you give for third man in, since college hockey doesn’t have a lot of fighting. It’s also funny how tough Derek Peltier acts really tough as he jumps into the pile on top Browlee, that toughness lasts until the time Brownlee calls him on it and challenges Peltier to a fight, of course Derek turtles. Hey guys if your not going to fight, don’t challenge a guy to a fight and then stand there and yap at the guy, that is also bush league.


  1. I would agree on Wheeler not trying to hurt Tormey or the Don approving of that...but I do think he could have put the breaks on somewhat because Tormey had the puck for sure and he would have hit him either way..just not in the nature that he did. Either way, it doesn't pay to dwell on it because the injury was a freak accident...and is chalked up to our whole season of injuries. I just hope for Tormey that his career isn't over.

  2. That was scarey looking everyone is paired off and Tormey is heading to the bench. Seems like a bright kid, Something is wrong I better get help, I knew there was something wrong when he was putting pressure on the wrist.

    I hope people don't think I was dwelling on the incident, I do see a ref getting in trouble. I just can't believe some would come to the conclusion that Wheeler would do that type of move.

  3. I think that anyone who thought Wheeler did that on purpose is crazy, because it's obvious he didn't mean to crash into Tormey skates first (I would like to think that NO play OR coach in the WCHA would do that or approve of it...or encourage it)...but I do stand by my point that he did storm Tormey and didn't intend to put on the breaks at all, knowing he would hit him. I think this makes more sense to me after reading what someone on USCHO said, cuz I guess now the kids are coached to skate full speed ahead to the goal unless they hear a whistle, because you "never know" if the puck will come loose at the last second. Makes sense as to why we're seeing goalies all over the WCHA get roughed up more.

    Either way, it's just a bad deal and I hope Tormey heals well. He's a trooper..check out his comment about it on my blog.

    Also, any way people look at the games this weekend the Mavs deserved to win both nights. We out played them and played with passion...and even Lucia admits that we deserved the wins. So...the Gophs can go on with their "unbeaten streak" but they truly can't look back on this weekend as winners.

    Either way..good series. Now the Mavs just need to always play hard and quit getting injured!
