Friday, October 06, 2006

UND Officially Sues the NCAA.

Time to Drop the Gloves and Knock Out the NCAA
UND Sues the NCAA
They have been talking about this for some time. Finally its time to stop talking and bring some closure to this issue.

The Story from ESPN
FARGO, N.D. -- State officials filed a lawsuit Friday against the NCAA to challenge its restrictions on the University of North Dakota's Fighting Sioux nickname.

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem said the lawsuit, filed in Northeast Central District Court in Grand Forks, alleges a breach of contract by the NCAA, a breach of good faith and illegal restraint of trade.

Stenehjem said the lawsuit seeks to allow the University of North Dakota to use the nickname throughout the school year without being sanctioned in possible postseason play, along with unspecified money damages.

The NCAA has banned the use of some American Indian nicknames and logo in postseason tournaments, saying they are hostile and abusive.

Stenehjem said the NCAA overstepped its bounds.
"This is about a process to be followed by the NCAA," he said.
"Frankly, I don't think that anybody, regardless of how they feel about the result, should be satisfied or pleased with the process," Stenehjem said.

The NCAA has 20 days to respond after it is served with the lawsuit, the attorney general said.

NCAA officials were not immediately available for comment. NCAA President Myles Brand has said the NCAA will defend its policy "to the utmost."

The state Board of Higher Education voted in June to file the lawsuit after two North Dakota appeals were rejected.

"This action by the NCAA keeps me from doing what the Board of Higher Education says we should do here," UND President Charles Kupchella said. He said the NCAA process was unfair and wrong.
Other schools initially deemed to have unsuitable nicknames by the NCAA have won the right to use their monikers on appeal. They include the Florida State University Seminoles, the Central Michigan University Chippewas and the University of Utah Utes.

A number of Indian students want UND to drop the nickname and logo. One official with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe wrote a letter supporting the university, but another opposed the nickname.

A branch of the University of North Dakota Alumni Association set up a fund to help pay for the lawsuit after the state board of education said it must be financed with private money.

I like the fact that the University of North Dakota has finally filed the lawsuit. Sioux Fans have talked about this law suit till we were blue in the face. Now is the time to take action, so possibly we don't lose any NCAA football games. We must do what ever it takes to defend this historic monkier, if UND decides to change it should be done on our terms not account of some dill weed in Indiana.

I like the fact that the State of North Dakota filed this law suit on Friday. Last year the NCAA did the same to us. The NCAA announced their new policy on a Friday, then had no one around that could explain the new policy. However I am sure the State of North Dakota will be more polite than the NCAA was to us.

However, I would have loved to have the State of ND file this at the end of the day say at about 5:00pm and let the NCAA have all weekend chew on this. That was the rude way it was done to us. Honestly, the national media had all weekend to talk about this new policy before the affected schools could respond to the policy change. It was like having the NCAA stick a finger in our eye. Its time to be the one sticking our finger in someone's eye.

Shall we use the cliche, the shoe is on the other foot now. This lawsuit is the right stand, because someone has to make a stand against the hand wringing leftists, who should be freeze dried or doing time. But I digress, unforunately in America there is small group of hypersensative people in our midst that feel they have the God give right to not be offended, they belong to the entitlement society. I am sorry the world doesn't work that way. This lawsuit is the step in the right direction, its a statement against extremist liberalism and political correctness run amuck. It also proves that the vocal minorities (Left Wing College Proffessors included)shouldn't be able to just influnce policy just because it offends them or some small group of people. I mean we have seen the protest against the name, its a small vocal minority.

Lets Go North Dakota, lets kick some NCAA ass, lets show the NCAA and its top exec Miles Brand that they picked on the wrong school. Lets show the NCAA North Dakota's Can Do Spirit and the grit of the Rough Rider State.

Brand's Response to the Lawsuit
NCAA President Myles Brand has said the NCAA will defend its policy "to the utmost."

More Links on Story:
Fox News Story on the UND's Sueing the NCAA
Sudeo Reporter PCM
USA Today Story


  1. I happened to unluckily tune in the gun-totin' meat-eatin' panti-wearin'
    Ed(ith) Schultz this afternoon.

    Some guy called in from Oregon and talked about their fight to get the Seminoles taken away from Florida.
    (He just didn't understand that any Indian would let anyone use their name)

    He kept referring to the University in South Dakota until Ed(ith) reminded him it was NORTH Dakota.


  2. Forgot to ad that Ed(ith) did a good job of defending UND's Indidan programs and use of the nickname.

  3. Goon- you make a good point. Why is "offensive" speech subject to definition solely by those who hear it, and not by those who speak? If we say something, not meaning to offend, why do the hypersensitive among us get to define the meaning of our speech?

    Go Sioux!

  4. Hmm...Mr. Goon, you have issues with college students saying swear words at the games but yet uphold using a derrogatory nickname? Now, that's an interesting stance...swear words hurt more and are more offensive that Native American nicknames? Something to ponder...

    I'm not going to touch this subject with a Sioux fan with a mile long pole...just thought I would point out your irony.

  5. Lets Go Mavs there is a big difference between conducting yourself like a moron (using bad language like F’bomb) and cheering for The Fighting Sioux. I can’t believe you would actually say something that stupid. Seriously dude, you need to get off of the Liberal web pages they are usually farther from the truth and wouldn’t know the truth if they were hit on the head with it.

    Just because some white liberal hand wringing college professor at UND says the Fighting Sioux name is racist doesn’t make it true. If you listen to what they are saying there is a lot of untruths and miss information being thrown around. Also, look at the numbers of people protesting the name it’s nonexistent, there is no ground swell support to have the name removed. There isn’t even a large number on the reservations that want the name removed.

    Funny thing when the pro-name change people paid hired gun Russell Means to come (I believe student funds were used to pay for his appearance) here and spew his hate speech there were still very few people to actually watch him speak. Except for the Sociology professors, one who dismissed his class early so he could march in the protest? Now mind you this teacher is cheating the students who paid money to attend his boring class so he could tend to his selfish needs.

    The Fighting Sioux is not a racist logo/moniker and the current Fighting Sioux logo was drawn by a Native American artist Ben Brien. The fact that the artist was Chippewa is irrelevant.

  6. Nastiness is nastiness...doesn't matter if it's a school nickname or swear words. If the logo offends people, you have to take that into consideration. I don't have a strong view on it either way, I just think that you're downplaying the effect that it has one some people and it's pretty closed minded to think that it offends no one (basically). I think that the Sioux hockey fans are just worried about it because from what I understand, the logo is carved in stone and the floor...basically the structure at the there's no getting away from it and if this goes through, that means no playoff games for the team, as there's no way to get rid of it.

    I'm just pointing out your irony, I would think you would consider it instead of pulling out the insults. Sure, I'll be the first to say that I'm one of the most liberal people out there (and for the record my minor is in Sociology!) but working in the Corrections field I've come to understand the importance of how lables affect people, their culture, how they behave, and so on. So, chalk it up to my liberal personality, my education, and having a job where you have to be on top of polital correctness.

    Remember, just as passionate as you are about keeping that logo, there are people as passionate about seeing it go.

  7. I am not trying to insult you but your statement is asinine to say that swearing is the same as UND fans chanting the Fighting Sioux name at a sporting event. You have to be smarter than that. You have to be able to see past the propaganda and nonsense that is being spewed by the leftwing loons. First off your making a forgone conclusion that the Fighting Sioux name is offensive and its not, a majority of the people at UND don’t feel that way. Just because a small number of people says that the Fighting Sioux name is offensive so what? Do we bend over and appease every group that feels slighted. What next? I mean seriously the number of people against the Fighting Sioux name is very small. But under the lefts logic no matter how small the number, we should still have to change the name and appease them. Fine if we change the name let the pro-name change people pay the thousands of dollars in the costs.

    Your political affiliation is the problem. Today’s liberal can't leave things alone they have to constantly be stirring the pot and fanning the flame of discontent. While the lefts wanting to help someone is applaudable and commendable they cause more problems than good. Lets review some of their logic. Lets get illegal aliens a driver’s license so they aren’t breaking the law. They are breaking the law because they aren’t here legally. What they really want is illegal to vote, and they basically would be able to do that with a driver’s license. Lets take guns away so law-abiding people can’t defend themselves. The only person that will have gun then will be criminals. They have a right to be safe.

    It’s almost as silly as the notion if we just talk to the terrorist they won’t kill us. Appeasement doesn’t work. Lets just talk to little Kim and he will abandon his WMD program. What do we stop at? Where do we draw the line in the sand? Why not just tear down the arena because it offends someone. Lets kick skinny people out of school because they offend fat people. Pretty people must go next because it’s not fair to ugly people.

  8. Oh here we go, labeling theory. Oh no, lets not call a criminal a Criminal. Because we know that criminals don't deserve the labels they have, its not their fault its the evil society that cause all of their problems and forced them to commit crimes. Yikes. I can't believe that America is going to allow this country to go back to this crap. Starting in January if America doesn't wise up.

    If you sexually assult a kid you deserve the label that is applied to you. Greasy dirt ball scum.

  9. Fargo Celtics,
    What LetGoMavs is assuming is that there is a huge growndswell of people wanting the name changed from the Sioux people in the state and that just isn't true there is a few people talking for many.

    If you look at the SI survey that was conducted a while a go you will see there isn't even a concensus amoung natives americans nation wide that the teams sproting Indian nick names should change.

    Labeling theory was brought my by mav. I think what he was saying is we shouldn't use them. What ever.

    Fargo Celtics has been around too many ivory tower liberals who haven't spent much time in the real world. I am not saying that woman sufferage was a bad thing I am just saying we can't even call a terrorist a terrorist anymore because some are so affraid of offending someone.

    Leftist extremist are the ones that are driving this name change and P.C. crap in this country, its also the same people that don't want us listening to bad people who want to do bad things to us.

  10. Ok, Mr. Goon...first off I'm a woman...not a man. Second, you're focusing on what YOUR school and YOUR state says. Hmm, last time I checked there are Sioux natives all over. In fact, I grew up 15 miles from one of their reservations and I can tell you that many of them do not appreciate the nickname...I mean, would you say it's ok for a school to be called the "ghetto n-word" (you know what word to insert there)? Plus, you're quoting a study done by SI. Hmm, very scientific. I'm not saying either way that the name should be changed or not (I haven't done enough research to have a strong opinion) I'm just pointing out that you think it's ok for you to be offended by students using the F-bomb and other words like that but think it's more than ok to use a nickname like UND...and as far as your logo being drawn by a Native American...well, does that even matter? Are you saying that if a Jewish person draws a swastica it's ok to start using it to represent an institution, just because they drew it? Seriously, take a step back...a deep breath...and think about what you're saying. You're quite off the cuff about THIS is right and THAT is wrong...hmm, I'm pretty sure that type of thinking is what has caused wars between people. There is no clear right and wrong all the time. Think grey Mr. Goon...not just black and white. Oh, and as far as the labeling theory're the one that ran with that one. My point was that if you label people a certain thing (i.e. "FIGHTING Sioux) that can bring about negative consequences. Now, am I saying that some people aren't a lable (your example..."a criminal is a criminal") sure, that's correct...but that's based on a behavior and a choice...not a nationality. Boy! I didn't intend for this to get to be such a heated debate, but it sure has. I was just pointing out your irony about the swearing situation. One more thing, I didn't say UND should have to tear down the arena..I'm saying that people are probably MORE passionate because if this NCAA thing goes through, you're screwed because the logo is BUILT into your arena. Remember, people with different thoughts and views is what makes the world go around....

  11. "In fact, I grew up 15 miles from one of their reservations and I can tell you that many of them do not appreciate the nickname.

    and I grew up just as close to one of the reservations and the folks I know from there, are proud that the university uses their name and the university has so many Indian programs.

    I guess it depends on who you know and where?





  12. Cy- sure it depends on who you are. I'm not saying that all Native Americans of the Sioux tribe are against the name. My point was that there are many more people than the small group of liberals at UND that it affects and who are against it.

  13. cy,
    From what I heard from someone in Devils Lake was when the Spirit lake Tribal council at Spirit lake was going to have a vote and make a recommendation about non-support for the name, the elders stepped in and there was no vote. Notice that vote never took place. These councils are not always in step with the people and the elders hold the most weight.
