Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Standing Rock Supporters: Enough Signatures on Petition

It would appear that supporters of the Fighting Sioux nickname might have gotten some good news. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
WDAZ - A group of Sioux nickname supporters on the Standing Rock Reservation say they have enough signatures to ask for a reservation-wide vote on the issue.

They have collected more than 800 signatures. They only needed 600 for the tribal council to consider the issue.

The tribal council has already voted against putting support for the nickname to a public vote.

Supporters are hoping to present the petition to the council tomorrow to see what the next step is.

One problem: the Standing Rock constitution doesn't outline a procedure to dealing with a petition asking for a referendum vote.

It's up to the council and tribal attorney to outline a plan and that could take a while.

The North Dakota State Board of Higher Education is waiting until the North Dakota Supreme Court has ruled on an appeal to a decision that previously blocked them from changing the nickname.

That ruling is expected by early April.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. It doesn't make a difference if every native American votes yes to the Sioux name. What does the Summit League think?

  2. That would be a conundrum if the Standing Rock approved the name with a tribal vote and then you would almost expect the Summit to honor the vote.

  3. My understanding is that if the two tribes approve, one of which already has, then it appeases the dictum of the NCAA. Or maybe I mean "dicked'em". If the NCAA is satisfied then it will follow the same acceptance as if it were the Florida State Seminoles. The Summit League would have no reason to contradict.

  4. With all the pc bs in Dinytown I don't believe the higher ups at the U of M will ever play the Sioux in anything but hockey. It probably doesn't make a damn bit of difference to them. Not going to happen.

  5. But I bet they would host the FSU Seminole’s football team in a heart beat, NCAA approved or not. They would probably tell them to bring their mascot too. $$$

  6. Gophers speak with forked tongue! They honor the Sioux Nation with a tribute outside the TCF Stadium and they yell "Ski U Ma" after every point. We'll see how disrespectful they can be once the SR Tribe approves the name and, subsequently, the NCAA. I trust the same people who opposed the name in the original controversy will support it with the same passion once its blessed by the Councils and the NCAA. Or with they be disrespectful?
