Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Marvin got lucky

For those that haven't seen Bruce Ciskie's blog today, the WCHA really wanted to throw the book at Aaron Marvin. The WCHA wanted to give Marvin a 5 to 8 game suspension. Wow! Personally I actually think 5 games would have been an appropriate suspension lenght for the Genoway hit. SCSU won an appeal to knock it down to only three games.
The WCHA is taking plenty of heat for its decision to suspend St. Cloud State forward Aaron Marvin for three games. The league has been late to the party on hits to the head, and it was assumed they were going to let Marvin off easy, or maybe suspend him for one game heading into their home-and-home with Minnesota State, Mankato, this weekend.

Instead, the WCHA dropped the hammer, giving Marvin a three-game ban that will sit him for the entire MSU series, as well as Game 1 of St. Cloud's home WCHA playoff series (opponent TBA).

While it could be argued that this punishment is a bit excessive, it's in line with what the league should have been doing from the start. Not only that, but it's apparently not nearly as bad as what the initial decision called for.

A source with knowledge of the talks has told me that the WCHA's original punishment would have banished Marvin for the entire first round of the WCHA playoffs, and possibly the WCHA Final Five -- should St. Cloud make it there. That ban -- which could have been as high as five games if the Huskies played a three-game first-round series and eight games if it included the Final Five -- was then reduced to its current state on appeal. The source was unclear if the league wanted to keep Marvin out for the entire league tournament, or just the first round. Either way, the suspension was reduced after the school appealed.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. 5 games maybe, 8 would have been overkill.

    He'll get suspended after he cheap-shots another top player on an opposing team at the Final Five anyway...

  2. 8 would seem a bit steep but 5 sounded like a good option. You can bet if there are anymore questionable hits he will probably be done for the year.

  3. 5 to 8 games would of definately sent a message. 3 just says we were feeling the heat and had to do something

  4. I think 5 to 8 would have been good for the Genoway hit.

    The second hit might not have happened at all if he faced the same penalty again if he repeated the offense.

    it wouldn't have prevented Genoway's injury but Geoffrion would not have missed any time.

    Oh, and McLeod showed his hand if what was said was true regarding Geoffrion and playing. If Geoffrion played, the suspension might not have been as steep or at all was the scuttlebutt.

    I think if the penalty deserved the time, who cares what the condition of the victim is.

  5. So are we concerned with all shots to the head or just major ones? Are we drawing a line because at the speed the game is played, a matter of inches could make a big differance. I'm for protecting the players, and liked the way the olympics handeled it. Shot to the head,penalty or faceoff outside the zone.

  6. Wow. Sue fans just can't get over this. Try to read this article on the link below:

    Straight from the source. Now move on.

  7. It is crazy that the guy that actually got the concussion can actually rise above his anger and see that Marvin's hit was not cheap. Yet, all sioux fans three months later can not see through there Chay Genoway colored glasses to tell the difference between a cheap shot and legitimate hit gone wrong. This is why I always asked if the people writing on this blog played hockey, because if you did you would know that hits like the one on Geoffrion "are", whether you like it or not going to be a part of hockey! End of Story!

  8. Well I guess that makes it A-OK then. Maybe the rule should read: if you know the guy then go ahead and hit him in the head, he'll know you didn't mean it.

  9. Joe and Ryan are the text book SCSU fans who can't see past their love for Marvin or anything SCSU, The SC Times comments sections are full of them whining about the suspension. When you team finally wins something then come talk to me, I smell another Husky swoon coming as well.

    Say Ryan I will write about what ever I want to write about with out your editorial imput.

  10. That's fine Goon. Be a cry baby. I just find it funny how you discount Geoffrion's account. Classic back seat driver.

    There has to be some Sioux fans that are not blind to reality...

    I sure hope DU crosses your path again. 5-0 in a season would be oh so sweet.

  11. Ryan,
    I am not crying about anything, in fact I am good, I am happy Marvin was finally punished, I applaud the move. I hope your team finally ends up paying for it with a few losses.

  12. really goon? In all honesty losing marvin is not my beef. Yes I have passion for SCSU hockey, just like you have passion for UND hockey. All we are saying is that the hit on Geoffrion was not cheap? And are you really going to pull out the "when you win something" card. Sounds like you are a gopher/green bay packer fan with statements like that. I live year by year! If I win this year...I am not going to be throwing it in your face 10 years later (last time UND won a champioship).

  13. Joe, the reason you wont be pulling out the championship trump card is 10 years down the road your team will still be trailing UND in championships. You really have nothing to pull out as trump.

  14. Wow, really 5-8 games. I don't understand how anyone who calls themselves a fan of hockey would think that 5-8 games would be appropriate for the hit on Geffrion. Even the 3 games was not appropriate for that hit. Geffrion himself says that the hit was unintentional and that Marvin is a "good kid". Goon, I frequently read your blog because of your generally good insight into college hockey, but this was honestly stupid. If you don't like sports with hitting start watching golf or something. I have heard 3 times the amount of whining over this issue from Sioux fans than from Badger fans. Despite respecting the Sioux hockey program after all of these "Marvin" issues, I have lost nearly all my respect for Sioux fans. Man up and play hockey! Also, you really shouldn't bring up how "superior" the Sioux are to the Huskies when EVERY credible hockey ranking and standings in the country currently put the Huskies above the Sioux.

  15. SCSU fans are still missing the point, it was a hit to the head, Marvin is a repeat offender it doesn't matter if B.G. said that he didn't think Marvin intended to hit him in the head. Do you really think the Badgers won't get some revenge for the hit in the future? Of course he is going to say that he doesn't want to get suspended.

    It's like saying, "oh I didn't mean to shoot him I was just pointing my pistol at him." It doesn't matter, what he intentions are the act in it's self is what he got suspended for.

    I am beginnin to wonder if I could make a bundle of money teaching logic to Husky fans?

  16. Yeah Goon! That sound like a real lucrative proposistion....A simpleton teaching logic!

  17. Ryan you would be my first client because you lack logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. You must have been a SCSU honor student. ZING!

  18. Goon, I fogot how great of a school UND is. I even found this website talking about how great your aviation progam is:

    Not many schools have such a website going for them. Which is funny stuff. My brother is an airline pilot and he basically validates these stories from your fellow alumni daily.

  19. Ryan,
    Is that all you got? The woman that wrote that web page, whose name escapes me was one of the biggest losers to ever attend UND, it's not even up to date anymore, you wheel out a web page from the late 1990's. With ever post you make you further my point on the JBSU perspective.

  20. Her name was vivian Nelson and the woman is a complete and utter moron. She is also the editor of this classic page,

  21. Teaching logic to Husky fans?

    Example of Sioux logic:

    "Let Lamoureux fight Marvin at center ice NHL style. Come on, what is with this wussy hockey. This will settle everything. The rules have gotten too strict and it is ruining the game of hockey".

    "You can't let Marvin get away with checking Geffrion. That hitting just isn't fair. We need stricter rules in college hockey!"

    The only ones struggling with logic here are Sioux fans. You can't have both more strict AND less strict rules. Choose a side. If you're a "traditional" hockey fan, I would assume you are not asking for additional regulation...especially not as it is handed down by WCHA refs.

  22. This type of ridiculous logic was further discussed in a recent INCH podcast. Please visit the site and listen to the podcast for some professional opinions of what has gone on.

  23. Jeremy, NO where did any one say that they wanted hitting taken out of hockey, hits to the head are not allowed. What Marvin did to Genoway was not legal and not part of the game. The league screwed up by not suspending him longer. Marvin opened the door for more sanctions with his head shot on Blake G. now he is paying for it.

    What part of that do you not understand. No one is saying don't hit or take hitting out of hockey.

    The hockey code says that if you cheap someone it's settled on the ice like men, apparently your head coach hasn't figured that out yet. It's pretty cut and dried. That is a historical fact. Don't give me this I don't know hockey, I watch over 80-100 games a year.

  24. Lastly, ranking are a snap shot of what is going on at the time in the season. Season's are judged at the end of the season. There is no award for top record at the half way point in the season.

  25. Check out the video. Neither our coach nor Marvin were opposed to the NHL style fight on the ice. That's all WCHA rules. Admirably, both Marvin and Lamoureux were both ready to settle it "on ice like men".

    Furthermore, please do not insult the intelligence of SCSU fans and then reply with "half way point in the season" when we are in the LAST weekend in regular season play. Come on man.

  26. Of course you think she's a moron, she said something bad about your wasteland school. I was impressed though. I couldn't find any similar sites for DU, UMD, MSU, or SCSU. Must have quite the experience up there.It's ok Goonie... It'll be alright.

    I can't wait until the pendulum swings. Your team has a history of questionable hits and will be on the receiving end of what SCSU was made an example out of. You can't have it both ways baby huey.

  27. Don't worry Jeremy. If UND happens to get past your Huskies in the Final Five(Doubt it), We'll take of those Dirty UNDies.

    DU> that how it goes Goon?

  28. Jeremy that is incorrect Motzko doesn't like fighting:

    Motzko said: "The Huskies expect the issue will linger.
    "(The Sioux) will have it go until it dies," Motzko said.

    "I wish Aaron Marvin wouldn't have dropped his gloves. We have no business getting involved with that right now. We needed to play hockey and we stopped that. They got us off our focus."
