Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

NHL's Bettman defends TV deal with Versus

Does anyone see anything wrong with this statement by Gary Bettman? I think until the NHL gets back on ESPN or a more visible television network, the NHL is going to be handcuffed for being on Versus, the biggest problem is that Versus it's not available to all markets and cable providers. This is sad because the NHL has all kinds of momentum coming out of the Olympics and this guy is such a buzzkill to the great sport of hockey.
"We think Versus is doing a terrific job for us," Bettman said. "They're giving us the most promotion and attention that we could ask for from a cable and TV partner and, quite frankly, we are the most important property that they have."

Bettman said he is hopeful the cable network will resolve the issues that have kept Versus off DirecTV. []

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. Bettman is an idiot.

    Yes, Versus does a good job with their coverage BUT.... Versus does a piss poor job of getting their channel to as many people as ESPN does, even if ESPN is full of blowhards, egomaniacs, and morons.

    Bettman proves that it is all about the TV $$$ and not about the viewership.

    To him, slightly more $$ but less viewers is better than slightly less money than the opposition but more viewers.

    A vexing situation, for sure, but hey, getting the NHL to more tvs is hardly a concern when Sidney Crosby and Ovechkin alone will save the day, right?
