Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WCHA Officiating is a Joke!

Cross Posted from Say Anything Blog.

Graphic treatment of hockey with clown

Last November Goon wrote an article about the dirty hit that injured the Fighting Sioux Captain Chay Genoway. Genoway got a concussion in the dirtiest hit I've ever seen in person and is still unable to even practice with the team.

Aaron Marvin, the player that delivered the hit wasn't even originally leveled with a penalty. Only during the period break was he assessed a game misconduct that's supposed to be automatic for an hit from behind. Before the Saturday night game against the Sioux the league gave him a paltry one game suspension for a hit that has probably ended the season and maybe the career of a player picked as a preseason favorite for All American.

This last weekend the Sioux played against the perpetrator of this cheapshot when we traveled to St. Cloud Minnesota. We lost by one goal on Friday night in a game that Marvin delivered an high stick to one of the Sioux players head.

On Saturday night we blew the Huskies out of their building with a 8 to 1 victory. In this game Marvin, the dirtiest player in the league attempted to run another player's head into the boards.

Fortunately the Sioux player felt him coming and braced himself for the hit. Instead of the Sioux player perhaps being injured, Marvin wound up getting dumped.

NCAA rules are very strict on hits from behind (the reason being in the link to Goon's post I already mentioned.) The officials aren't to have any discretion on how they call these infractions. This is what the rules say:

Hitting From Behind
SECTION 23. a. A player shall not push, charge, cross-check or body check an opponent from behind in open ice.
PENALTY—Minor or major at the discretion of the referee.


b. Hitting from behind into the side boards, end boards or goal cage is a flagrant violation.
PENALTY—Major and game misconduct or disqualification at the discretion of the referee.
Note: The committee reminds coaches and players that the responsibility remains with the player approaching an opponent along the boards in this rule. While players turning to draw penalties are a concern, the positive change in behavior the committee observed outweighs this issue. Any penalty in relation to this rule along the boards or into the goal cage must be a major penalty and a game misconduct or disqualification.

So obviously Marvin, the dirtiest player in the league, should have been penalized. No, the officials on the ice assessed a two minute elbowing penalty against the Sioux player. I challenge you to look at the video again. While Blood did raise his elbow in the process of bracing himself for the dirty hit, Marvin hit Blood with his shoulder between Blood's shoulder blades. Can someone PLEASE explain how you can deliver an elbow to someone in that position?

We have the dirtiest player in the league, delivering another intent to injure penalty and the official calls a penalty on the other guy. I doubt that the officials on the ice will be disciplined for their incompetence. WCHA leadership fully endorses incompetence and in this case the senior referee is the son of the head of officials.

I guess since it was a blowout we can laugh about it.

While we have the best college hockey teams in the country, the WCHA leadership and on-ice officials are a joke.

Thanks to the contributors at Sioux Sports for providing the links to the video and the text of the NCAA rulebook.


  1. "The dirtiest player in the league"....hmm, interesting. The stats CLEARLY don't show that at all. Before you make the "he always gets away with it" argument I'll tell you that 100% you are wrong. How many times have you seen Marvin play? Probably just against UND. I've seen him play numerous times this year and in the past 2 years and would never classify him as dirty.

    You want to see dirty and cheap. Look at Ben Blood and #2 on your own team!

  2. "the dirtiest player in the league"? Oh please, I'm sure you're still not pleased over the Genoway hit, you clearly haven't watched him play in many games besides that one. Also, it's humorous to see you simply assume that he was going to plow Blood's head into the board just b/c he was behind him and going for the puck. A little bias there? If you want to see cheap, not only does Blood get the penalty on that play, but then taunts Marvin while he's on the ice, then is smiling in the box.

  3. taunting a dirty player who just drew a bs penalty, then smiling from the penalty box??!!!

    somebody alert the authorities becasue i can't imagine greater transgressions in hockey than talking smack to an opposing player or actually smiling while serving a penalty.

    who let this blood kid into the league??!!! smiling in the penalty box...where will this reign of terror end? does somebody have to get smiled at so hard that it ends his career before the league does something about this.

    off with blood's head!!!!

  4. Agreed, Marvin is not dirtiest player in the league. He did commit one of the dirtiest plays in the League's history but that was one incident. I also agree with Goon that Blood did not elbow Marvin but he did interfere with Marvin and deserved a penalty.

    I disagree with the assessment of Blood and MacWilliam. They hit a lot and they hit hard but I don't think that makes them dirty players. And for that matter taunting someone is not dirty. It goes on every play of every game it's just that most of the time you can't see it. It physically hurts no one and in no way gives one team an advantage over the other. Unless one team allows themselves to be intimidated, which is their own fault.

    I give marvin a lot of credit for expressing remorse, dropping his gloves, not backing down, and admitting he had something coming his way last weekend. The thing that irks me the most about the kid is when he hit Genoway he let a teammate take the fall for it. He let someone else go to the dressing room and take their stuff off when he knew full well he was the guilty party. I understand if it was a 2 minute penalty and Marvin being a top PK guy for SCSU, but this was a game misconduct. i would have been livid if I would have got incorrectly ejected.

  5. Marvin didn't "let" the other kid take the penalty. Hepp was saying it wasn't him and Marvin was going towards the box. Both were chattering to the refs about it but of COURSE the refs refuse to listen and think they know it all. I've seen many players over the years be pulled into the box when it wasn't them. Heck, I've seen it often when the kid wasn't even on the ice but had one of the same numbers (like the refs taking #2 when it was a #23).

  6. Holy Cow Whistler did you start a fire storm with this blog post today. Awesome! Nothing like good debate to get people fired up.

    When I got back to Grand Forks, I watched the whole second game on tape and Blood's hit on Marvin wasn't as bad as I originally thought it might be, from what I heard I thought Blood had murdered Marvin on the ice and it wasn't like that at all. IF that was an elbow that would be a pretty weak elbowing call. After watching the hit a half dozen times it doesn’t appear to be one.

    If anything it was like Blood was skating heard the footsteps and stopped. Far from being a dirty elbow... It would be interesting if maybe someone yelled look out, someone on you.

    Anthony you really need to read something other than the Saint Cloud times for your hockey news, because you sound like some of the hockey fans that were posting in the SCSU and UND hockey stories. Blood was probably smiling because the call by the officials was so poor. I would have smiled and laughed too.

  7. Did Blood her footsteps? No
    He knew that it was Marvin behind him so he stuck him under the chin.
    Was Marvin going to even hit him? Before the Genoway cheap shot Yes, This time? probably not. He was going to try to steal the puck. Did Blood elbow him? No Did he deserve a penalty? Yes Probably interference. Was it cheap? Normally, accept this was part of the payback Marvin will have to put up with whenever he meets a Huskie Alum.

  8. Anthony, if only the video was available you could see that .arvin (dpitl) planted his shoulder in Bloods back. That close to the boards is an intent to injure.

    Oh wait I posted the video so there's no excuse for not knowing that.

    How do you hit someone with an elbow when they check you like that? It can't be done.

    And I guess some are proud that tdpitl was willing to fight a smaller player but I hardly thin its a big deal.

  9. Whistler that video doesn't do that hit justice, I watched it on my 40 inch TV as opposed to the small box. I thought it was slick move by Blood.

  10. Take off the green colored glasses Sioux fans. Blood deserved an int. penalty and Marvin wasn't even touching him when Blood stopped and jumped backwards to be sure to hit Marvin. What was Marvin suppose to do short of being psychic to know Blood was going to stop and jump up into his face. Saying that Marvin was going to CFB is like saying you know whats going to happen every play of every game.
    Seriously guys, get over it. One player doesn't make your team and although Marvin deserved some kind of punishment for the Genoway hit, he didn't cause the Sioux season to suck, the players did that on their own with their shitty play.
    And just an FYI for the haters out there...I'm not a Cloud fan either so don't tell me I'm wearing Cloud colored glasses.

  11. Kinda hard to believe he just happened to throw his shoulder into Bloods back without meaning to check him from behind.

    I take that back, its's impossible to believe.

    Good thing Blood was aware that the dpitl was behind him or the league might have had to discipline Marcin. (Just kidding they don't care about that stuff.)

  12. He wasn't touching Blood when Blood stopped abruptly and threw himself into Marvin. I don't get where you think Marvin was going to CFB when he wasn't even touching him yet.

  13. If only someone could post the ncaa rules itd be clear that its the guy that's behind who has the duty to avoid contact.

    Oh wait I did post the rule. I guess there's no reason for your confusion.

    I suppose blood should have let tdpitl close on him. After all its not that he's known to throw cheapshots.

    Oh wait, that's what he does.

    Really you guys are pathetic.

  14. Blood didn't elbow him, it was a bad call.

    Another thing. A forward gets a step on the defenseman on his way to the net and it doesn't matter WHAT the defender does, if he makes contact in some way with puck carrier, a penalty is called. Even a penalty shot. However, if the puck carrier is off to the side and an open man is cruising down the slot looking for a pass, the defender can do just about anything to that open man but put him in a full nelson and no interference call is made. If there's anybody that you can attack, it's the man with the puck, but the idea that a man without it can be mugged is simply against the rules.

  15. Definately not the dirtiest player in the league, far from it. Yes, he committed an illegal hit that knocked a player out for the remainder of the season, but he's not "dirty." He doesn't take a lot of penalties, and he certainly doesn't take a lot of sloppy/chippy penalties. In fact, I wish he'd use his large frame more to hit guys if anything. I'll tell you who is a really dirty player: Brett Hextall. That guy hooks, slashes, elbows, and uses more profanity than any player I've seen in a long time. I was sitting about 8 rows up behind the Sioux bench on Saturday and every other word out of his mouth is a swear word. I wonder if his father Ron was like that on the ice too...

  16. Sure Marvins out there to end people's seasons if not his career.

    But Hexstall has a potty mouth and his dad had a rep in the NHL.

    So that's where the problem is, because no other hockey player cusses.


    I think I aleady called you guys pathetic.

  17. Goon...seriously did you put much thought into this Whistler guy on your blog? He's a version of Donald light with the comments and the way he is with people. Ugh.

    Pathetic so he says...hmm, pot,

  18. Amy, I don't have a problem with Whistler he blogs over at as well. I trust his opinion.

    Calling him Donald light is probably not a fair comparison since Whistler doesn't throw a bunch of fancy words around and berate other states.

  19. Amy, Lastly, did I give you a hard time when you did a hot or not?

    No! I welcome others opinion and I am not going to pull something unless I find it objectionable, I don't find anything objectionable in his posts. Not everyone is a Huskie fan or ...

    If Whistler thinks Marvin is the dirtiest player in the league that is his prerogative. Personally, I think Brian Schack is the biggest hack in the league, he is a bigger piece of crap than Paukovich, both players have no honor and Schack has yet to pay for his Todd Bertuzzi style attack. The Code will work things out eventually.

  20. I think you guys are missing the point:

    I already addressed the WCHA officiating issue. The fact that it was long probably meant you didn't read it.

    As for Marvin being a cheap shot artist, I dunno. He did it once to Genoway. However, I draw the line thus:

    1. Marvin stood up to the bad PR and stood up to it like a man. He didn't shirk it or dismiss it like Patrice "D-bag" Cormier. He expected something to happen in this game and when it almost did, he expressed regret that it wasn't allowed to play out.

    2. If there IS a scapegoat in all of this, it is the WCHA officiating. Marvin committed an illegal act. Genoway knew it. He knew it. Hepp knew it. Motzko knew it. The only one who did not know it initially was DON ADAM. He had to be CONVINCED to call a 5 minute major and only did so AFTER Hextall stood up for Genoway (and got himself a 2 or 4 minute roughing penalty...can't remember which). If he did, and called a DQ, I doubt things would have been any different with UND fans, but it would have shown at least SOME sort of improvement for Don Adam at least. Instead, nope. He's still the most dangerous official in the WCHA and certainly one of the most dangerous officials in all of hockey (that allows checking). The league then let down Genoway by essentially letting Marvin off the hook. REMEMBER THIS: IT wasn't the WCHA that imposed a 1 game "suspension." It was BOB MOTZKO who decided that Marvin wouldn't play the following night. The league was fully prepared to live with Adam's judgment (otherwise known as the D-bag factor).

    So, I don't hold Marvin accountable any longer. He's paid the price meted out by Motzko and the league. He's tried to pay the price by the Sioux through the fights and the media. As far as I'm concerned, he's off the hook.

    The league and Don Adam, on the other hand, continue to be the biggest joke and the most significant danger to player safety and the integrity of the game that will, until McLeod and Shepherd retire and are replaced by more competent people, be marred with being on the cusp rather than among the elite.

  21. Redwing the league was the one that game Marvin the extra game.

    St. Cloud State at North Dakota
    - Even though the Sioux won Friday, they lost maybe the best player in the country, Chay Genoway, to an injury. Genoway was hit from behind by Husky forward Aaron Marvin. Marvin was suspended for Saturday's game by the league.

  22. Redwing I of course agree with you about the officiating. In fact my post was about how the refs blew this call. How do you miss a CFB?

    Bloods elbow couldn't have hit Marvin either. What was shep jr watching?

    In this case its something to laugh a but it doesn't make it ok.

  23. Redwing- very good points. If only others could see them like you do. I agree 100% that this is more about the WCHA refs more than anything.

    Goon- I think if you look closer at the way Whistler is responding to people of the opposite opinion you'll see my Donald reference. It's fine to's another thing to do it in the manner he does. I don't know...just generally something that I didn't think you promoted.

  24. Maybe Genoway pointed out to Marvin that his sister is by far a better hockey player than he'll ever be and he took offense to it...(sarcasm, though that statement is true).

    The officials let this shit happen all too often by a) not calling the correct penalty when it occurs, like w/ Marvin in the first place, and b) letting games escalate to a point where stuff can/will get out of hand by not being proactive early in the game.

    I thought there was going to be a throw down last weekend when Mankato visiting the Kohl Center, largely because the on ice idiots let way too much extra crap go, both ways, on friday night.

    On top of that, McCloud's dumbass should send a message on serious CFB's. You injury a player by a reckless out of control hit, you sit 2 games minimum, and the league office shouldn't be afraid to suspend a player longer. UW's Craig Smith had a CFB earlier in the season, and deserved the weekend he sat out.

    The WCHA clown crew on the ice is so fuckin pathetic, this shit gets out of hand almost every weekend in every rink across the league.

  25. Spot on Gandalf.

    LGM sorry I laughed at you when you made a fool of yourself.

  26. I take it all back. Marvin's just a sweet kid who happens to deliver dirty hits.

  27. Relax Charlie I am not taking this article off my blog. A little healthy debate never hurt anyone and one person isn't going to dictate what goes on my blog.

  28. It is quite obvious The Whistler never played the game her/himself. Not that it would preclude him/her from making a fool of her/himself. Hopefully she/he is at least enjoying the banter. I tend to agree with Charlie. And of course I would also agree with all who think refereeing in the WCHA/CCHA is not up to the level one would expect.

  29. neutral zone: I hold WCHA leadership in this league culpable, and I agree with Redwing77 that its time for a change at the top and it wont change until the member schools in the WCHA decide they have seen enough, McLeod and Shepherd are oblivious to the situation and the only way to change is with a major shake up at the top.

    The league office can’t even or won’t even confirm that the two their on ice officials
    during the November DU and UND series were suspended, they denied it publicly but they were in fact suspended. I got numerous confirmations from multiple sources that they were in fact suspended. What is the league hiding? I hope and I am waiting for the day when the WCHA member schools decide to move the WCHA commissioner out of Denver University as well. I think the WCHA is a great hockey league but the product on the ice could be better and is being held back by its leadership. Even the NHL can get it right most of the time on hits like the one this article mention. If the league suspends Marvin 3-5 games this might have been over. Unfortunately we get bumbling fuc^ing from the WCHA commissioner, oh gee, I don’t know if that met the threshold for more than a 1 game suspension. Are you kidding me?

  30. goon: can't disagree with anything you stated.

  31. Thanks LGM.

    And for the record, I know I seem to hold the NHL officials as some sort of uber-official, but I am not foolish enough to actually believe it. I've seen NHL officials blow calls but here is the VITAL difference:

    With VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS, they fix it RIGHT THE EFF AWAY. Sometimes it causes hiccups in the game flow wise because the first adjustment might seem like a make up call. However, by the end of the game, USUALLY, it's pretty fair. The outcomes might be debateable and there is no such thing as the perfect official, but the NHL has it down.

    The Olympics... very variable. Today I watched the Swedes take on Germany. I saw Germany get called for a BS penalty and I saw Sedin get away with an OVERT Goaltender Interference on Greiss to set up the first Swede goal.

    It's funny to note that the NBC commentators, aka Team Canada wannabes with an Ovechkin side addiction, even thought it was amazing that the interference wasn't called.

    Anyways, the officials are the problem here.

    And we're being far too harsh on Marvin. He did cheap shot Genoway. But I can't recall any other cheap shots he's done. He's hardly the cheapest Husky player. IMO, that belongs to Roe. No one wants to cheap hit someone, not even Marvin. But a diver? Those people sicken me...when they are hockey players. I have no problem with Luganis.
