Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thrasher to Winnipeg?

If an NHL franchise relocated to Winnipeg this would be a dream come true for me, NHL Hockey 150 miles from Grand Fork, ND. I knew there was a reason that I applied for my passport and passport card this past winter so I can go to Winnipeg and watch the Jets play hockey in the Peg again. I know, I know, it’s not close to being done but it keeps getting thrown around every once in a while, so I figure eventually something will stick. I have been holding out hope since the Jets left Winnipeg that they would someday return to Winnipeg, Manitoba. This was also discussed on the Pipe Line Show as well.
A group based in Toronto is looking at purchasing the NHL's struggling Atlanta Thrashers and moving them to Winnipeg, according to a Hockey Night in Canada analyst.

Despite the report, local shinny fans hoping for the return of the National Hockey League shouldn't start budgeting for season tickets just yet. Don Waddell, executive vice-president and general manager of the Thrashers, called the reports "completely false", according to the team's website co-ordinator.

Al Strachan, an analyst on CBC's Hockey Night in Canada, said during the show's Hot Stove segment that a group of wealthy individuals in Toronto are interested in buying the team and moving it to Winnipeg to play at the downtown MTS Centre.

"There's still a lot of work to be done, but there's a lot of work that has been done already," he said during the broadcast.

MTS Centre is home to the American Hockey League's Manitoba Moose. A spokesman for Moose governor and True North Sports and Entertainment chairman Mark Chipman declined comment on the report.

Strachan said the Toronto group has a lot of money and is willing to follow the "proper channels" in buying and moving an NHL team.

Canadian Jim Balsillie recently failed in a bid to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes and move the NHL team to southern Ontario. The BlackBerry billionaire -- who has tried unsuccessfully to acquire three NHL teams -- has been accused of circumventing league rules and procedures for buying and moving a team. [Winnipeg Sun]
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. It would be a start at getting things back above the Mason Dixon Line. St. Louis, Colorado, and L.A. can stay, but the rest gotta go back north. After that, we'll send Betman's a$$ back the the NBA, then bring back the Wales and Campbell conferences.

  2. This is NOT happening there just isn't enough corporate money for this to work. The NHL will never go back to Canada. We are more likely to see relocation to Vegas, Portland, Seattle, Kansas City, Minnepolis, San Franciso, San Diego, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Hartford, Charolette, Houston, Memphis, Orlando, and Milwaukee before we see a team move to Canada.

    I would add Dallas to the success of the NHL.

  3. Oh yeah, forgot about Dallas. Love to see a team back in Hartford as well.

  4. St Louis has had 28 Home Sellouts out of 32 Home Games.. Even with their bad 3rd period losses.

    In a few years, you'll see some people shooting for Vegas to have a team. It'll bring a lot of fans from opposing teams. I read a creative marketing project on it...

  5. Brian, I wouldn't say never this keeps coming up and I think it's a viable option.

  6. Goon, Bettman and his cronies will never let the NHL go back to a dieing population without corporate support. I just don't see it happening.
