Goon's World Extras

Monday, February 15, 2010

Troy Brouwer vs Anton Stralman (Stralman hit on Kane)

Holy Cow! I think Stralman actually caught Kane in the cup with his knee. If you watch the video at the end, that's what it looks like to me. Also, you can see Kane smiling at 38 seconds into the video. Another fight for a legal hit.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. As you know Goon I'm a huge Hawks fan. I understand your argument, but putting myself in Troy's point of view, at first glance, that hit does look knee to knee. The players aren't afforded our instant replay. Ironically, as I watched this live, I was thinking, Goon is going to write about this!

  2. I agree the hit looks like a knee to knee or at least as if the Columbus player was leading with his knee the whole way.

  3. Hey Michael,

    I must admit that I am a closet Blackhawks fans and my beginning of the season pick was the Bruins and the Hawks in the Stanley Cup. Now it looks like only half of my prediction might come true.

  4. Ah the dulcet tones of former Miami head coach Bill Davidge doing analysis for the CBJ.
