Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Torres to meet with the Shanahammer

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Phoenix Coyotes forward Raffi Torres has his day in court. The fact that the hearing is in person in the NHL's New York office does not bode well for Mr. Torres because the NHL is about to make an example out of him.
NEW YORK -- Phoenix Coyotes forward Raffi Torres has been suspended indefinitely, pending an in-person hearing Friday, April 20, the National Hockey League's Department of Player Safety announced today. The hearing, which had been planned for today, was deferred at the request of the player and the National Hockey League Players' Association.
You can expect that Brendan Shanahan is going to take Raffi Torres to the woodshed and this one going to hurt and it’s going to be easy for Shanny, Torres did it to himself and he has no one to blame but himself.

Torres is a villain; he is also a poster boy of what is wrong with the NHL in the minds of many fans. Torres is also a Matt Cooke type player, and also a repeat offender that hasn’t changed his game when the game has started to evolve.
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