Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Raffi Torres, "I just felt like it was a hockey play"

I was watching the Phoenix Coyotes game last night and like most was shocked to see that Raffi Torres wasn’t kicked out of the game for his check on Marian Hossa. The even more puzzling thing was the fact that Torres wasn't challenged to a fight later in the game by one of the Blackhawks players. Now the Chicago Blackhawks have to depend on the NHL’s Department of Player Safety to see if they respond to this hit.

True to form Raffi Torres saw nothing wrong with the hit in question, of course Sociopaths never do, so none of us should be shocked by the lack of remorse, shame or guilt from Torres.
"First off, I hope he's alright. As far as the hit goes, I just felt like it was a hockey play, just trying to finish my hit out there," said Torres. "The last thing I'll say is a I hope he's alright."

Did he leave his skates? Does he think he'll be suspended?

"I'm not gonna answer that," he said, before leaving the postgame interviews. [Puck Daddy]
Most of us have no idea what transpires out of this hit and it will be interesting to see if Torres is suspended by the NHL or not. Some have predicted that Torres could get a very long suspension and could be suspended into next season for his efforts on the ice last night. Personally, I would be shocked based on some of the rulings that Shanahan has come up with in the playoffs up to this point. One thing hanging over Torres’ head is that he a repeat offender and has been suspended twice in the past 13 months. Ironically, this hit took played one year to the date of his hit on the Blackhawks defenseman Brent Seabrook.