Goon's World Extras

Thursday, March 22, 2012

They aren't listening - Fighting Sioux nickname

University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athl...
University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athletic logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

s/t to Chuck Haga from the Grand Forks Herald because he has done a great job covering this story, I don’t care what some of the self-professed and self-congratulatory experts say, Haga has done a fair job covering all sides of this issue.
 Chuck Haga, Grand Forks Herald --- She asks whether the NCAA, in adopting “a policy that blankets the country,” took into account how divisive it would be in Indian Country.

“Within my own immediate family, some words have been spoken that will take a long time to heal, words that have been unkind and caused by the policy of the NCAA,” she writes. “I am hurt and angry that neither I nor my people had a say in informing the NCAA of what their policy would do to me and to my family and to my state.”

She writes that she has “very little knowledge about the pipe ceremony in 1969,” the event at UND cited by nickname supporters as an irreversible gift of the Sioux name to the university. But she says she learned to respect such traditions from her father, the late Joseph Chaske Jr. “I was taught that praying with the pipe is very sacred and should never be disrespected in any way.”

As we go into the regional and our favorite team can’t wear their regular uniform because it’s considered hostile and abusive the reality hits that, it doesn’t matter what Native American think about the Fighting Sioux nickname. 

The Attorney General of the state of North Dakota signed a legal settlement agreement, the NCAA doesn’t care what anyone else has to say, the NCAA isn't going to change their minds one bit, they aren’t budging, they are going to change their mind. 

Contrary to some people’s misguided opinion, UND’s administrators  are not going work out a deal to not use the nickname when a  certain school objects to the UND using the Fighting Sioux nickname, it's not going to happened. There simply won’t be any games scheduled between UND and insert favorite Big Ten School, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin etc.   

You're delusion if you think this is going to happen folks. These schools don't care because we aren't playing by their rules, because the University of North Dakota belongs to a private club and we have to abide by those rules and regulations.

These schools will not play UND in “any sport” including college hockey, that they are not a conference member with, because the University of North Dakota is under NCAA sanctions. Again, they control the terms of the conversation and we need them more than they need us.

The same goes with the Big Sky Conference, UND needs them more than they need us, I don't care what some say. I doubt any of these people have talked to anyone in the know. The UND athletic department is very concerned about the threat of the BSC pulling our membership, maybe not this year or next, but it's a real threat. 

These schools won’t find common ground here, frankly, they don’t have to, because our school is under NCAA sanctions. Right, wrong or indifferent, our school will be considered damaged goods.
Do I like this, hell no!  

I voted for a democrat whose name I don’t even know ( I am a registered Republican), in 2010 instead of voting for Wayne Stenehjem for North Dakota Attorney General, because I think he should have never signed that surrender agreement that he signed. The agreement was a bad agreement and unacceptable in many of our eyes. 

That day was the end of the Fighting Sioux nickname essentially died.  You have to give the NCAA credit, they knew the Standing Rock Tribe would never agree to let the University of North Dakota use the Fighting Sioux nickname and they got the best of Stenehjem.

As an alumnus of the University of North Dakota, I will continue to cheer on and cover the University of North Dakota Hockey team no matter what their name is, as long as it’s not the Flickertails.  That’s not going to happen according to current UND President Dr. Robert O. Kelley, who has said that the team will not be called the Flickertails if and when the name is changed.

And lastly, Go Sioux!!! Bring home number "8"....Our team is still known as the Fighting Sioux for now.  What a fitting end of this season it would be if the Fighting Sioux could win number 8 as the Fighting Sioux. The NCAA would probably tie themselves up in knots over that one. 
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