Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So what if we keep the name? A devil's advocate look at the nickname.

The UND track team is the first team to suffer as a result of the University of North Dakota resuming use of the Fighting Sioux nickname. Someone posted the link to this Associated Press article over on Sioux Sports this morning.
IOWA CITY --- The University of Iowa has decided not to invite the University of North Dakota to an April track meet because of the school's Fighting Sioux nickname.

Associate athletic director Mark Abbott Monday said Iowa decided against the invitation when UND reinstated the name earlier this month.

Iowa policy prohibits the athletic department from scheduling competitions with schools or attending tournaments hosted by schools using Native American mascots, unless those mascots are approved by the NCAA.
So where are we going from here?

I get it; I don’t like being told by an out of control hypocritical organization like the NCAA what our nickname should be. The NCAA is out of control and there are much more pressing issues facing college sports than this, but this is where the like minded organizations (Minnesota, Iowa, Wiscosin) who think the same way as the NCAA, can get back at the State of North Dakota for thumbing it’s nose at the NCAA.

These schools and the NCAA could care less if the nickname petition drive was conducted by people from both Sioux tribes. The NCAA and like minded organizations could also care less about a state wide vote on the Fighting Sioux nickname. The only thing that matters is that both tribes approved the use of the Fighting Sioux nickname and Standing Rock didn't give UND the approval.

Why should the NCAA and these institutions care? They have a signed settlement agreement by the the Attorney General of the state of North Dakota and UND is in violation of that legally binding agreement.

Small cost right; for keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname? Right? I mean it's only the track team right? Recently, I have read a lot of comments from people that said have said, “So what if the University can’t host NCAA playoff events.” It’s a small price for keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname.

Is it?

These are just the first teams to suffer the wrath of the NCAA sanctions, if the BSC doesn’t kick UND out of the conference, eventually the football team is going to qualify for the FCS football playoffs, sooner rather than later, but they won’t be able to host an NCAA football game because UND is under NCAA sactions as a result of UND using the Fighting Sioux nickname.

I have also read comments like this, “Who cares if the Woman’s team has to travel to Fargo to host an NCAA hockey series?” Well this is proof that the Fighting Sioux nickname will cost the University of North Dakota. Playing at home would have a big advantage as opposed to going on the road.

Next season there is a very good chance that the Fighting Sioux woman’s team is once again going to be a national power in Woman’s Divsion I hockey and the advantage of playing at home could mean the difference between winning and losing an NCAA series.

Small cost for keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname. Right? Tell that to the women that play on that team.

Again, you won’t find a bigger fan of the Fighting Sioux nickname, I wear the logo in some form almost every day’s of the week. I have many ball caps and stocking caps, tee shirts, golf shirts and hooded sweat shirts, I am currently wearing a golf shirt with the Fighting Sioux logo on it, as I type this.

I am considering getting a tattoo on my left calf in honor of the Fighting Sioux nickname.

That being said, I also recognize the damage that is being done to UND because we are keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname.  I am a proud alumnus; I have two degrees from the University of North Dakota, 1996 B.A. and 1999 MA.  I want to see this university succeed both on and off the playing field.

Not one of my diplomas says the Fighting Sioux on it. It says the “University of North Dakota.”

I will also cheer and support this school no-matter-what they call us. I will also continue to cover UND/Fighting Sioux hockey for whoever and whenever, as long as I can.

I will also support the Native Americans and their law suit against the NCAA, because I think it’s a fight worth having. The NCAA is an out of control tyrannical organization, but we have to play by their rules as long as we are a member of the NCAA.

I will also help them raise money for the lawsuit if they want my help.