Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So is this bulletin board Material?

Yesterday while I was on the tread mill Tim Braun aka the shirtless guy pinged me with this article from the Colorado Springs Gazette…  Tim took issue with something that the C.C. Tiger's beat writer Brian Gomez had put in a newspaper article that he had written this week. You can read the paragraph in question and see for yourself.   

So did the Colorado Spring Gazette offer up some bulletin board material?

It wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to assert CC (16-14-2, 13-12-1 Western Collegiate Hockey Association) no longer resides on the NCAA Tournament bubble. Its bubble may have burst in a 4-3 overtime defeat and a 5-2 trouncing over the weekend – setbacks that dropped CC to 21st in the PairWise rankings used for picking the 16 NCAA Tournament qualifiers. Now, all that’s left is a weekend home series against mediocre Michigan Tech.

Personally, I wouldn’t have written that throw away line, it’s not really needed for his article, but it’s his first amendment right. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up on the Huskies black board in the locker room… Honestly, I don’t really have a dog in this fight other than I was pinged by Tim on Twitter. It did peak my interest though.

For the most part I think that Brian Gomez is a fair and decent journalist and I don’t think he had any malicious intent to disrespect the Michigan Tec Huskies. I think Michigan Tech is a much improved hockey team and they should be applauded for their improvement.

I also think that the Huskies are going to be a tough draw for any team that faces them down the stretch and they could just show up at the Final Five. I am hoping and praying that I don’t have to watch them play a 2-3 game series against my favorite teams.