Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 25, 2011

WMU stepping up to the big time.

Andy Murray was the head coach of the Blues fr...Image via WikipediaWe kept hearing comments from the people associated with the NCHC that they wanted to form a college hockey conference with others that have the same level of commitment to college hockey. I think that Western Michigan University by hiring a big name coach like Andy Murray is making that commitment to  move their college hockey program to the next tier in the college hockey world.

Earlier this month at the NCHC's first press conference UND head hockey coach Dave Hakstol said, 'there is not a final number, it's a matter of being able to add the right programs, programs that fit the mentality and the mind set of the current six institutions.' I think that by hiring Andy Murray WMU is saying we are committed to college hockey and could become an attractive option for the NCHC.
KALAMAZOO — If Western Michigan University was looking for a big name hockey coach to fill the giant shoes left by Jeff Blashill, it's done so, hiring a coach it never could have lured a year ago.

WMU has hired longtime NHL head coach Andy Murray to lead its hockey program, according to multiple sources.

It's expected that Blashill assistants Pat Ferschweiler and Rob Facca will remain in their posts. Both are already under contract for next season.

WMU has scheduled a press conference for noon Tuesday at the Seelye Center to announce Murray's hiring as head coach.

The university has elected not to comment on the coaching situation until Tuesday.
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