Goon's World Extras

Sunday, July 24, 2011

From the yeah right department...

Western Collegiate Hockey Association logoImage via WikipediaFirst Potter was against the accepting an invitation to the NCHC even though his school was never offered an invitation.  Now Potter sounds like he is ready to listen if that invitation is extended, this is the problem with university presidents like St. Cloud State University President Earl H. Potter III they lack the leadership skills to lead...
Mick Hatten and David Unze; SC Times --- On July 13, the six-team National Collegiate Hockey Conference was introduced at a news conference in Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado College, Denver College, University of Minnesota-Duluth, University of Nebraska-Omaha and University of North Dakota are the WCHA members headed for the NCHC, along with Miami University in Ohio out of the Central Collegiate Hockey Association.

“This has not been a surprise, but it has offered very difficult questions for us to deal with,” Potter said. “The WCHA as a league never sat down together and talked about its future. The five who left never said to the rest of us that they were thinking about it.”

St. Cloud State never asked to join the NCHC and was not invited, Potter said. He changed his tone a bit last week after previously saying St. Cloud State wouldn’t accept an invitation to the NCHC if one were extended. He’s committed to be the best partner in the WCHA that he can be, he said, but the uncertainty that permeates college hockey has him keeping his options open.

“I have to stay in a position where I’m working very hard for success with the WCHA but never get stubborn about our position and always be open to looking at our options as things change,” he said.
 Anyone troubled by this statement? “This has not been a surprise, but it has offered very difficult questions for us to deal with,” Potter said. “The WCHA as a league never sat down together and talked about its future. The five who left never said to the rest of us that they were thinking about it.” If I was a fan of the teams staying in the WCHA I would be. 
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