Goon's World Extras

Sunday, August 01, 2010

You can't be serious.... (RW77)

I'm not making this up!! I swear!

Carey Price, the most overrated goaltender in the NHL.... is going to hold out from signing his contract with the Canadiens.

This is a kid with a complete lack of maturity, lack of focus, and an ego that's cost his team a number of times who saw his season fall apart last year, lost his starting role to a guy who demanded a trade before the season began, watched as that same goaltender made him look downright incompetent by comparison, and yet he still ends up being the one the Canadiens gave, gift wrapped, their #1 goaltending role to despite it all... AND HE WON'T DO IT?!?!

Ok, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that his agent and his advisors may all be high on crack, meth, weed, and has gone on a drunken bender that would make Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton go "DANG!!! You need rehab!!!" In other words, his agent might be telling him that he deserves better and inflating that silly ego of Carey's. It's not uncommon for athletes to be surrounded by morons.

Although I'm not altogether sure if it is the money or the length of contract, as both sides were seeking a long term agreement (foolish on Montreal's part but wise on Price's part), but Canadiens GM Gauthier hasn't exactly been idle either. Carey is one of the few remaining restricted free agents the Habs have yet to sign.

Carey Price should have gotten the advice that would have been a hard pill to swallow, sure, but one that would have ingratiated himself towards the Habs organization and given them cause to believe that he has matured at least a little. That means compromising a bit on price and/or length of contract. He should instead (assuming he hasn't) gone more in the direction of incentives, trying to pull a Jonathon Toews. For example, a $2 million bonus for winning the Vezina wouldn't be altogether a bad deal for either side. Price sticks it to the Habs by winning it (which benefits the Habs despite it) and it doesn't cost the Habs anything (since miracles only happen once in a great while).

I hope the Canadiens trade the rights to Price to another team and sign Turco or acquire a goaltender. Maybe they can trade the rights to Price to the Capitols for Neuvirth? Of course there will have to be sweeteners added to the deal by Montreal but that would be a VERY good deal for Montreal if they could pull it off.

Other wise, maybe they can walk away from this somehow and make a run at Turco?

I don't think there's a goaltender in the league that I'd rather not have my team have on their roster than Carey Price. Yes, Huet sucks and is a sieve, but he's not immature either. It's not Huet's fault Tallon had a brain seizure during his contract negotiations. And, sad as it is for me to say it, Huet has his name on the Cup... something I HIGHLY doubt Price will do in the near future.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Maybe we can get Detroit to take him.

  2. Ken Holland only takes stupid skaters not stupid goaltenders.

    Besides, the Wings already have a sieve (albeit a washed up good goaltender) in Wasgood.

    I'd take Price for Osgood. It'd be HILARIOUS to see Carey Price's ego take a back seat to Jimmy Howard. :D
