Goon's World Extras

Monday, August 02, 2010

Hawk flies away (RW77)

Over the weekend, the arbitrator awarded Antti Niemi $2.75 million contract, which is roughly $1 million less than his agent was seeking. So it seemed to be a victory for the Hawks, since they could theoretically fit Niemi's new contract under the cap...barely.


Today the Hawks said "Thanks for your hard work. Good luck somewhere else." And now Niemi is a free agent.

Instead, the Hawks signed veteran Marty Turco to a 1 year $1.75 million contract. This gives the Hawks roughly between $600K and $1.35 million of cap relief (it was rumored that Niemi's contract would have roughly put them 400K over the cap).

I really can't blame either side. Niemi is worth $2.75 million per year. However, it was very unlikely that the Hawks would have any money to re-sign Niemi next year anyways with Seabrook headlining that year's free agent class and Huet still being under contract for at least one more year (IIRC).

What does this mean for Chicago?

Well, they've lost almost ALL of their depth. They still have very little cap space. Niemi was good, but there's no telling how his sophomore year would be. Would it be Roy-esque or would it be like Cam Ward (good, but nowhere near his rookie year)? Unfortunately, it's a risky loss for Chicago, but it just came one year earlier than expected.

What does it mean for Niemi?

It could mean trouble. This isn't Carey Price throwing a tantrum. This is a good, upcoming goaltender who was on a team that liked him (and from what I could tell, he liked being a Hawk) and he just wanted to get what he was worth. There are teams that could use Niemi (San Jose, Montreal, Dallas, Atlanta, Philadelphia) but most can't afford it.

My guess?

Niemi signs with the Flyers. Let's face it, this is Christmas for Philly and it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Niemi's stay as a free agent lasts less than 72 hours.

Niemi and Leighton combo with their D is a good potent combo. It may make Philly Stanley Cup favorites.

If I had inside information in Montreal, I'd have a better idea but...

If I were Gauthier, I'd talk to Niemi's agent. If Montreal can get Niemi for cheaper than Price's asking price for the same or similar length of contract, I'd sign Niemi and tell Price to go take a flying leap...


To respond to Goon: Setoguchi is a diver, but he's also a pretty decent player. I'd take Setoguchi before I'd ever consider Carcillo

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Why would Montreal try signing Niemi?? They already traded away Halak to STL for basically nothing. (Lars Eller isn't going to be a top 2 center he'll probably make his way up to 3rd line center, and for sure 4th liner if he continues to progress.)

    That being said Montreal already put their eggs in their basket, and Gaulthier is in love with Price. He calls him a thoroughbred vs Halak who was called a workhorse..

    My guess is Price will get signed for a long term for a lot of money. They'll pick up a 2nd stringer for less then $2 million, which puts Niemi way over that.

    Goalies are signing for a lot less then normal these days..

  2. First off, proven is better than unproven regardless of potential. The Kansas City Royals are chock full of potential talent, but it doesn't factor into a hill of dog droppings if you don't have proven winners. Halak has all the makings of one and Niemi well... 1 year, 1 ring. Do the math.

    Second, you're right. Gauthier already put his eggs in one basketcase..I mean basket. If Price is a thoroughbred then it must be the same one Peter Griffin bought in that episode of Family Guy.

    Your guess is right. He'll get signed for a hellova lot of money and a long term contract that will have the Canadiens on pins and needles hoping maturity comes swiftly and he doesn't turn into another DiPietro or Huet.

    They already signed Alex Auld as a back up.

    My point is Price is an idiot for trying to push for more money than he is worth when the Canadiens have already made it widely known that they intend to give him the best chance of being the #1 guy (I mean, trading Halak off for next to nothing and signing Alex flipping Auld. Good God) despite having horrific attitude problems, inconsistency, and the failure to put the team first... seems like an idiot to me.
