Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 16, 2010

Redwing77's Nickname Musings

I thought about posting this as a response but it is rather too long for a comment so...

Isn't it intriguing how outlooks change?

When this whole ordeal started, it was the NCAA and the tribes that were the "enemy" and the SBoHE and UND Admin the White Knights.

HA! Looks like the enemy was not outside our own tent but in it!

The Tribes wanted their say. They almost got it. The SBoHE took their say away from them.

Where does this put each party?

NCAA - Brand is laughing from his grave. Franklin is smiling because he surely believes that if UND had just caved initially, then UND would have not been in such a predicament (not true) and now he gets to say "I warned you" AND get his and Brand's way.

SBoHE - They get their moment of "glory." They'll forever be remembered in both a well spun positive light "Bringing enlightened thought and conscious compassion to an embattled and beleaguered populace through the elimination of a caustic reminder of such a plight" and a negative one NDSU and its debacle. In truth, they got their glory. They got their names in the papers. They'll be remembered in one way or another.

UND Admin - In truth, they could fight it and look bad to those who can fire them, they can be indifferent and tempt negative response from the people who can fire them, or they can support the SBoHE blindly and be lauded by the State Board as champions of cooperation and collaboration. They are reprehensible, but they are politicians so... we should've known this was going to be the path they chose.

The Tribes - Screwed. HA! History repeats itself. They're now ignored, sentenced to a plight that could mean less public awareness, and no longer have any leverage for any sort of vocal power outside of the reservation. AND it is not of their doing. So, they get the added "bonus" of being lumped into the SBoHE as the enemy because they "Started it."

Talk about a clusterfu**

Where do we go from here?

Well, I've always been a fan of the University of North Dakota Fighting Cavalry, as the 1st Cavalry Division has part of its history and makeup in North Dakota, and not just the Custer reference.

It sounds cool. It has no Native American imagery or symbolism. And since the military has always been a part of North Dakota and Grand Forks (despite that being Air Force really) it would be really nice.

We can keep kelly green and have almost a camo color scheme. Or we can go into the face of everyone and go Union Blue, Gold, and White or Gray.

Or we can go with no nickname at all. I like this one. PLUS we have the unis already made up (admittedly, this is a women's hockey shot but I can't find a better picture).

Then we get rid of that statue outside of the Ralph. Instead, put up a statue of Teddy Roosevelt with some "inspiring" quotes of his... such as:

"I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn't inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian." - Theodore Roosevelt

In conclusion, when I do think about the NCAA, I think of the hand gesture "You're #1." However, I give them that gesture without using my thumb, pinky, index, or ring fingers. Think about it. As for the nickname, I'm going to see how it plays out, and move on accordingly. I'll still be a fan of UND hockey.
BallHype: hype it up!


  1. I see it a little differently. Specifically, 1) the SBHE did not take their say away; rather, the SR Council was given ample opportunity over the years yet refused to discuss and in fact said they would only respond AFTER the Board made their decision. They were willing to let it die by an 8-6 vote; 2) NCAA is not laughing; quite the opposite. they are going about their business with no passion or remorse...they could care less about UND...pimple on the pecker of progress! 3) the SBHE did what the UND President and the AD pressured them to do; they take no glory; it will be President Kelly's legacy for losing the name; no one even knows, nor do most care, who's on the SBHE; 4) UND Administration chased the dollars as it is how they are judged. where was their public support of the Sioux name? Talk about not defending your house! Fiason said one thing today in his BS open forum that tipped his hand...there will be no name because "we are North Dakota"; Sounded premeditated; 5) The Tribes, or more specifically, the SR Tribe: by refusing to do anything they became exactly the opposite of what the Sioux name represents, which is courage, strength and character. Standing ovation for the Spirit Lake Tribe who demonstrated all the right characteristics. The ONLY smart move was by the SBHE to retire the name a week ago. Maybe unknown to them, this put the onus squarely on the SR Council as it should have been all along. In retiring the name, the decision brought the issue to the forefront of the media, highlighted in red by the SR Council's lack of cooperation. They could have just waiting for Nov to let is die according to schedule. Now, there may still be six months remaining in which the SR Council can effect the will of their members! Extremely unlikely though.

  2. Yep.

    I am all for no 'nickname' at all.

    Just UND or North Dakota on the gear. At least until the NCAA decided that 'North Dakota' is hostile and abusive to Canada and South Dakota...

  3. Sioux7NationalTitles said what I was thinking about the SBHE and the tribes, probably in a more PC (and poetically) tone though. The tribes, SR, specifically have been dragging their feet for a long time. I know that the tribe as a whole has been limited in what they've been able to do because of the previous regime, but now the SBHE is forcing them to resolve this ASAP. Obv the SBHE can vote down the nickname, there's no reason they can't vote it back in. SR controls the puck the now...

  4. I think plain old 'UND' would actually be kind of cool...
