Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 16, 2010

Chat with UND AD Brian Faison

Today there was a chat with Brian Faison the Athletic Director of UND.
12:16 [Comment From Grand Forks Guy:] You say your personal thoughts don't matter in the process. We think they do! What are your thoughts on losing the nickname?

12:18 Brian Faison: In my two years at the University, I've repeatedly been struck by the incredible emotion and support of our alumni and fans for the University and for Fighting Sioux athletics. I've been privileged to serve at different institutions around the country and nowhere is the allegiance as strong as here. There's no question this decision is a difficult one for our fans and people are struggling to deal with this in their own personal way.

12:20 Friday April 16, 2010: It would appear from the articles earlier in the week that Tom Douple or Brian Faison are not being up front with Wayne Nelson. Douple told Wayne Nelson on Wednesday that he didn't know if UND's application for membership in the Summit League would be reviewed. After that story appeared in yesterday's GF Herald, Brian Faison contacted Wayne Nelson with information that Tom Douple "told him that UND's application" would indeed be reviewed in May (or June). Which is it? Seems there have been many people running with the CYA approach this week; including Grant Shaft and Duaine Espegard, as well as Wayne Stenehjem. I hope that the Sioux name wasn't sold out for a "promise" on the Summit League that likely isn't ever coming. Would also be nice to see the UND Administration, including athletics, be VOCAL in SUPPORT of the SIOUX NAME.

12:22 Brian Faison: Commissioner Douple has been consistent in his conversations with me in terms of timing and the process for possible membership consideration. Specific to my most recent conversation with Commissioner Douple, he stated that he would place UND on the agenda for the Summitt Conference president's meeting in June, at which time they would discuss UND, as well as any other schools that may have applied. The conference has a specific process they go through in considering membership application.

12:23 Brian Faison: Commissioner Douple indicated that he will continue to monitor the situation at UND.

12:43 [Comment From UND Q: ] If UND can't get into the Summit until 2012 or 2013, and the nickname issue will be resolved by Nov. 30, 2010, why won't the Summit consider UND now? And is the nickname really that big of an issue to the Summit schools if almost all of them are currently playing UND in one sport or another?

12:45 Brian Faison: Great question. We've made that argument but the answer has been that the issue needs to be officially resolved.

12:47 [Comment From Guest Guest:] If we are unable to enter the Summit until 2013 what was the hurry in abrubtly ending the process of gaining tribal appoval? Is it fair to say that the only quick resolution that you mentioned earlier is/was changing the name...therefore is it safe to say that is the direction you recomended to the SBOHE.

12:48 Brian Faison: Resolution is resolution. It has never been about doing away with or keeping the nickname; it has been about getting the issue resolved and satisfying the terms of the NCAA settlement agreement.
BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. i wish the interviewer wouldn't have let faison get away with not answering his first question.

    the interviewer asked faison what his thoughs are on losing the nickname and faison responding by telling the interviewer that und fans are passionate about the nickname.

    uhh, ok? great. yeah, we already knew that. the question, mr. faison, is what are YOUR thoughts on losing the nickname.

    man, this guy has such a self-centered, mis-directed agenda that he can't even look an interviewer in the eye tell the truth; or even lie in a lame attempt to try and save face for that matter.
